January 15, 2010

Good grief—the month is half over! It must have been all that bad weather that made it go so fast. We don’t get out much when the weather is like that—we hibernate!

Mamaw’s phone rang just as she was ready to take me out this morning. So that left “my duty” up to Poppy and me. It was kind of a nice change. He doesn’t travel the same route Mamaw does so it’s new and fresh.

We’re all getting cleaned up—I wonder what’s up? I got a very pleasant surprise. Mamaw asked if I wanted to go for a ride. Well, if the bus is going, I want to be on it. She warmed Poppy’s car and got “our towel” and out to the garage we went. She has to pick me up while Poppy puts the towel on her lap so my paws don’t get her all dirty. He drove to the bank and Mamaw went in there to put something in the lock box. Anyway, I knew right away we were going to PetSmart. I like to go and investigate everything there. Sometimes I find bits of dry food on the floor and I snarf it up! She always takes me into the grooming room too cause she doesn’t want me to be nervous when it is time to get trimmed again. LeAnn is the lady Mamaw talked with today and I think she is going to trim me from now on. She has really black hair – how can you tell if somebody colors their hair anyway? We walked back and forth through the store until I just had to poop. Poppy got all nervous and told Mamaw about it. She just said, “Not to worry—this is a pet friendly place.” She went to the area where they furnish plastic disposable bags and towels to clean up. She simply brought it back, picked up the poop, tied the top of the bag and threw it in the receptacle. I’ll tell ya, she is getting the hang of things.

We got our supplies and really did go for a ride. Poppy drove to the doctor’s office (not mine—theirs) and Mamaw went in to find out about her appointment with the nutritionist. Well, Robin told her that they would contact me directly. Then she asked if they had any of the H1N1 flu shots there and Robin said to send Poppy in and she would give it to him. We waited in the car—watching people come and go.

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