March 24, 2011

I think Mamaw is goin to take up permanent residency at the doctor’s office. Poppy took her yesterday to get an x-ray—she got good news, and bad news. The bad news is they found a hairline fracture of the “tallis” of her foot. The good news is that he will consult with the orthopedic people but thinks we can just keep on doin what we’re doin.

When they got back home, she was just exhausted. The x-ray technician wasn’t at Dr. Caughlin’s office in the afternoon so they had to go over to another office to get the pictures taken. And Mamaw says it is just exhaustin to drag that leg around.

She’s either layin on the waterbed icing her foot or elevating her foot way up in the air! I can’t even reach that far…but Poppy keeps telling me I gotta be gentle with her.

Poppy made a “special” breakfast-brunch for them when they got home and Mamaw just loved it. That makes Poppy feel so good to know that he’s been helping out. He’s even been takin me outside most of the time so she doesn’t have to “fuss with that.”

We’re all discouraged about now…wantin better things to come our way. Poppy went to the store—I wonder if he’ll buy a lottery ticket. They said the $$$ is up there real high again and wouldn’t that be great to win? Don’t see that happenin…

March 22, 2011

I think I shared with ya about how scared I was the day Mamaw fell on the deck and hurt herself. That’s been over two weeks now—and she’s still havin some real issues with that! Poppy says she’s gonna have to go to the doctor and get an x-ray to find out what’s wrong…he gets disgusted with her for puttin stuff off too long.

And she always worries about everybody but herself. A good example of that is I just can’t relax—I’m so high strung right now I just can’t seem to manage my own life. I don’t want to go outside (had an accident in the house and that’s a real NO-NO.) So she called Miss Jessica, my very own veterinarian, and they talked about givin me a little happy pill for a while to help me through this transitional period of my paranoia. So she gets herself all duded up with the jewelry and the whole bit and goes to pick up a prescription for me.

Now—get this—she has to take the Rx to HyVee to get it filled. Are they putting me on HUMAN pills or what? I sure hope they won’t hurt me cause I’m really feelin the need to get some special TLC right now! She comes home with the medicine and gave me one; then she heaved a huge sigh of relief…frankly, I did too.

I gotta stick to my favorite sayin: Oh well, tomorrow is another day…we’ll see what happens then.

March 18, 2011

Bear with me, I'm gonna try to make your day.  Mamaw is just in awful shape and can barely get around.  I am so bored and so I'm gonna try to cheer us all up today.

Hope ya all wore your green yesterday.  She wore her Notre Dame green T-shirt and she was damned proud of it too!

Okay--here we go:

Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
(1) eat less,
(2) don't ask for money all the time,
(3) are easier to train,
(4) normally come when called,
(5) never ask to drive the car,
(6) don't hang out with drug-usin people,
(7) don't smoke or drink,
(8) don't want to wear your clothes -- there I have to disagree...I managed to wear her boy shorts one day,
(9) don't have to buy the latest fashions,
(10) don't need a gazillion dollars for college and
(11) if they get pregnant, you can sell their children.

Now--my paws have taken a beating gettin this done for ya all so ENJOY!

March 11, 2011

Things just keep gettin worse for Mamaw!  This morning when she took me outside to go potty (in her nightgown and slippers) she slipped on the icy front deck and fell "ass over appetite."  I was just gettin ready to do my thing and I saw her go down so I ran right up to her--all worried about her.  And Poppy was worried too--she was in real pain right away but she said, "Oh my God Poppy, I didn't show my name and address to everybody going by did I?"  Her ankle swelled up right away and she HURT HER BACK AGAIN!!!

There's still that matter of the stitch so she forced herself to sit while Poppy tried to get hold of it to pull it out.  He couldn't see the darned thing without magnification so he said if she could make it to Valley West sometime today; he would get it then.  She was thinkin, well crap--if I gotta get all cleaned up she'd just see about goin back to the dermotologist.  She called--they could take it out at 2:00 so she spent the rest of the mornin getting ready.  It had to be agonizing for her but she absolutely insisted on it.

She left me long enough to go and came right home.  She got a glass of water and a pain pill...she was in and out the rest of the day.  When Poppy got home she put the gate up and went to bed.  She didn't even take that damned e-reader with her.  I was Poppy's buddy all night and never did make it to my kennel.

March 7-10, 2011 (Mamaw's week from hell)

We got up on the 7th and Mamaw was IN A BAD WAY!  Her back was killin her...but she begged for a haircut--Poppy's just too busy workin.  She made it through that and Poppy said he'd best call the doctor for Mamaw.  He did--they went--she came home and went straight to bed.  Poppy would "fetch" the medicine later in the day.

 And here she is...with the stitch on her upper lip from her surgery.
She's supposed to go back to get the stitch out today but as you can
see, she's still DOWN AND OUT!  I said, "Poppy, I don't think she can keep her appointment today."  Poppy replied, "Yep--we're gonna have to cancel it for now.

March 6, 2011

It’s Sunday—what’s wrong with this picture? Mamaw is up and gussied up BEFORE WE GO OUTSIDE! She hung around with me outside till I was able to get #1 and #2 done…but she’s havin some trouble walkin and bendin—I think she’s in pain. I’m gonna watch out for her—so I didn’t pull on the leash or anything—I promise I WAS GOOD!

Back in the house I got a little attention but I’d say not so much. I smell a rat…she didn’t even go to the office and call me in there to write the blog. Somethin definitely different. She did sit and drink a cup of tea though.

Before long her cell phone starts ringin—and it was three times in a row. While she was putting her coat on she grabbed a Diet Mountain Dew from the fridge and her purse as she headed out the door. I didn’t get any sort of a goodbye out of her. I looked at Poppy with all kinds of questions and he told me she was goin to the Fonda Nursing Home with Lori and Brianne to see Alma. (She Poppy’s mom—why didn’t he go?) Poppy said, “I have to go to work today so they’re gonna go in my place.” Made sense to me… “Oh Poppy—don’t go to work and leave me alone,” I said but he informed me he has to work so I can have my good eats and wonderful haircuts and all the “special” things I get around here.

So I laid on the bed with sad eyes watchin Poppy prepare himself for work. I love that guy and I sure hope he has time to give me the wonderful belly rub—maybe two times before he leaves cause I know when he puts me in the kennel I’m there till either Mamaw or he comes to get me. It cramps my style—havin to wait on them. I’m an independent red-head and I love my freedom. Just not today so much!

March 5, 2011

Been thinkin all day bout whether I want to share some stuff with ya but Poppy said I might as well just say it! Mamaw laid down some NEW COMMANDMENTS for me to follow:
1. Thou shalt not chew on Poppy’s favorite quilt;
2. Thou shalt not steal Kleenex from the garbage containers;
3. Thou shalt not steal Mamaw’s underwear from the dirty clothes basket;
4. Thou shalt not steal Poppy’s handkerchiefs from his dirty clothes basket;
5. Thou shalt not steal Poppy’s underwear from his dirty clothes basket;
6. Thou shalt not try to be the ‘boss of the house’’
7. Thou shalt not ‘nip’ at Mamaw or Poppy FOR ANY REASON;
8. Thou shalt not be ungrateful;
9. Thou shalt not complain;
10. Thou shalt not chew on my “jewelry.”

I’d better explain about my jewelry—Mamaw says I’m beautiful with it on; I want to chew on it. I had my haircut the other day don’t ya know and I look so beautiful now! And just the day of my haircut (she calls it groomin); she read in the Des Moines Register about two dogs that had been lost. Well, she’s been very lax about my tags so the next day after my haircut, she put my leather collar on with my name and address on it. Then she got all my tags and Poppy put them on my collar too—just in case I’d get lost or anything.

March 4, 2011

I feel a little chilly with my spring haircut. The weather was so nice and then it got down-right cold! Course I don’t let that interfere with my gettin to see Ozzie or stickin my nose in the ground to gather the smells. I think it should be a law that puppy dogs have to be allowed to smell all that stuff for at least an hour a day—I’d settle for half an hour mornin—and half an hour afternoon.

Mamaw is bein real quiet around here—Poppy is restin. She doesn’t make a lot of noise so she doesn’t disturb him so she spent time doin “nutin honey.” I rested with him—that haircut just wore me out. Do ya know it takes Miss LeAnn four hours to do me? And I gotta stand a long time…

Early evening before dark I saw Ozzie and Miss Becky out. We were already out—way down near the end of the town homes and when I saw him I DRAGGED HER ALONG—I couldn’t get there fast enough. They both let us off leash and did we ever have a wonderful time. I’d chase him and then he’d turn around and chase me. Guess we do have spring fever after all. They were real good to us and let us  play for quite a while. And when we got back to the house—I WAS TIRED!

March 3, 2011

I get to have Poppy ALL DAY TODAY! And then I found out I was “dead wrong.” He had to go to the office at Valley West on ‘business’ for a little while.

And I’ve decided I’m such a “big girl” now I don’t need to go out to potty half a dozen times a day so I’m workin on trainin Mamaw. She hasn’t caught on yet though…she asks me if I need to go out and even brings the leash my way so I have to run away from her to train her. Anybody have any better suggestion for me? I don’t like hurtin her feelins and sometimes she gets MAD at me.

They headed off to the grocery store—again without me; they don’t allow dogs unless they are helping their blind masters. When they came back they had TONS of food again! It’s hard to believe what they do with all of that! I asked Mamaw and she said she was havin surgery on that cyst later today and she might have “to hide in the house for a while so she wanted to make sure we had food.” Good Lord!

She didn’t even both to let me out of the kennel when they got home. She went potty and gave no thought to the fact that I MIGHT HAVE TO GO (I didn’t—but still it’s the thought that counts.” All of a sudden she goes to the coat closet and gets my “short leash”—yep, I’m goin someplace. Let’s hope it’s a ride—I’m getting kinda bored here…

March 2, 2011

No Poppy—don’t go to work! I think Mamaw is still disgusted with me and I don’t want to be alone with her! “Suck it up,” Poppy said.  Turned out not to be so bad after all. She washed two loads of clothes and I didn’t offer to help her—and she didn’t ask for help either. It’s been pretty darned quiet here too…

And then I THREW UP! I wanted to tell her it was her fault cause she started me on that
omega-6 the vet suggested to help the itching. They are longgg pills and she tries to trick me into thinkin I’m getting treats FOR NOTHIN, but Mamaw didn’t raise no dummy. I hung my head again…sorry Mamaw. She was very good about it though; grabbed a towel out of the bathroom to put under my chin to protect the carpeting so I was thankful for that—she was too. Then she sat with me a long time to make sure I was gonna be okay—I really liked that. Nothin better than havin someone “there for ya” if you get what I mean? When I went in my kennel she picked up the towel and went on with her day.

By 11:30 no more eruptions so she slipped over and closed my kennel and off she went. She said, “Miss Scarlett—I’m so proud of myself I didn’t give up on this novel and now that it is completed, I’m treating myself to an afternoon doing something I want to do. She did…she was smiling when she came home.

Poppy walked in the door a little early tonight and surprised both of us. I always get so excited cause I know it’s belly rub time—once in the morning and once at night. I’m available for more if he wants to give em to me.

Again no waterbed. Since I hadn’t felt very well all day I spent lots of time in my kennel; and that’s just alright. When she wanted to take that damned e-reader and go back to the waterbed, she just closed up my kennel and said, “Good night Beautiful—I’ll see you in the morning” and off she went!

March 1, 2011 -- In like a lamb...

My folks got up with big smiles on their faces. I wondered what caused that so I asked. Poppy said, “March came in like a lamb…”  So what? Who cares? I’m just waitin for SPRING to get here.
Then Mamaw said, “and goes out like a LION.” She hopes not—Poppy hopes not—AND I SURE TO HOPE NOT!

I got some pretty serious treatment today. I’m still not out of the doghouse over that “nippin” crap. I can assure you there was no waterbed again tonight. And she wanted to go on one of her walks today. When she got all bundled up and stuck those IPod buds in her ears I KNEW. She grabbed the leash and invited me to go—forget it! She just shoved my butt in the kennel and without looking back out the door she went.

The middle of the day when I saw Ozzie out with his new caretaker, I carried on and carried on and she wouldn’t take me out. I thought she needed to get a little bit of her own thoughtlessness—that’s why I refused to walk with her.

February 28, 2011

Poppy got up at his usual early time and Mamaw and me stayed in bed. I remembered in the night there was some commotion so I stayed put till SHE gave me the go ahead. When she rolled out—I just laid there…waitin for permission. Her eyes were blazin and shootin fire at me so I was wishin I had a hole to climb into—maybe even my kennel.

She didn’t say a word to me—that’s bad. And she didn’t pet and love me like she usually does—THAT’S BAD. When she got her clothes on and left the bedroom, I followed her. In the living room I got my lecture. Bad dog—you are not the boss of this house—that was so naughty. And then I thought I heard Poppy say, “We have to begin doin things a different way.” I wasn’t sure I knew what he meant BUT I DIDN’T ASK!!!

It was a horrible day. I got very little attention and I got thrown in the slammer all morning and I can’t remember why. She got busy on her laptop and I was totally ignored…