July 30, 2010 (I'm 1 year old today)

Wow—it’s my birthday today! I got a coupon from Mamaw that she’ll take me downtown to walk over and back on the Riverfront Walk. Poppy’s coupon says we can pack a picnic lunch and go down to the Pappajohn Sculpture Park and learn about the art. But not any of this stuff today. Poppy has to work again.

And Mamaw has found some of her classmates live in Des Moines and she’s already made plans to meet three of them for coffee. It doesn’t keep us from mourning Darrell’s death though. He is in our thoughts and prayers.

July 29, 2010

Mamaw’s got laundry going already and she hasn’t even gotten me up yet! Oh, oh—I sense something is goin on here. Have to wait and see…but I got outside okay and did ‘my thing.’ Then we go through my tricks and head to the kitchen to make lunch for Poppy. Yep, he’s workin again today and Mamaw and I can tell when he gets home he’s really tired too. And don’t forget that damn** tree that just keeps on giving. She’s pickin up the apples again—and swearin I’m sure. It’s an awful job…

I can’t believe this woman can get so much done in so little time. The laundry is done, she’s dressed “to the 9s”, I’m in the kennel and she’s out the door. Her sister, Mary is comin down today. She’s got a bad knee so Mamaw said she probably wouldn’t be gone very long—we were just goin to do what Mary wanted to do and she’d be back.

July 28, 2010

I’ve already been warned it’s goin to be a busy day today. Miss Betty gets out of EXILE at noon! She’s leavin the rehab center and goin to stay with Alan Dale and Vicki. So Betty wants her hair curled and she asked Mamaw to do it for her. So by 8:30 a.m. Mamaw was at the grocery store so we could get around in time. Just all kinds of little stuff has to be done. It amazes me how much time it takes to do these things.

But at any rate, she managed to get Poppy’s lunch packed so he could go to work. And she asked him really nice if he could the jewelry orders to the office with him. And she told him she’d take the deposit to the bank for him. Sounds like a good compromise, doesn’t it? Then she looks at her email and the one jewelry order that was a mystery cleared itself up so Donna Sullins is gonna run it by and put it between the doors.

July 27, 2010

Poppy to work – Mamaw running errands (after 10 days of bein ‘shitty’ she has to get something done) – so me in the kennel. She’s been in and out, in and out. She’s beginning to swear at the crab apples now. It’s disgusting how much time it takes her to pick them up—and sometimes two times a day for God’s sake! She’s fussy about our yard though—bein right on 50th Street and everythin. (I can tell ya one thing—Poppy wouldn’t give those damn** apples a second thought).

The Lia Sophia jewelry from her party arrived—and then she got a phone call from Kathy asking if she was comin to her party tonight! Oh my God—you should have seen her scurrying around! She quick called Sue to see if she would pick her up and she dug into that box like there was no tomorrow. She needed help so I did my best to help her out. I made sure each sack had the right stuff in it and then I stamped my paw print
on it to let Mamaw know that one was finished! Worked like a charm I tell ya, worked like a charm. She took all of the orders to the gals that would be at the party too so she got herself organized in a hurry!

She went to the party and had a good time she said. She had two margaritas and told Poppy she didn’t feel at all guilty. Tell ya what kind of a day she had? She was pretty mellow when she got home, fixed a pizza for dinner and then invited me to the bedroom to watch TV and enjoy the waterbed. What a great evening it was! But I woke up this morning in my kennel…

July 26, 2010

When I got up this morning, Poppy was already gone. Mamaw says he’s goin to Mason City to play golf with an old friend and then he’s stopping to see son, Mike. He says he’ll be home late.

Well, Mamaw says, “You know Miss Scarlett, I stay home with you and walk, train, and feed you – I keep the weeds pulled and our landscaping lookin as good as possible – and for WHAT? I think I’ll just say the he** with it today and do what I want to do for a change.” And so…she did.

Oh, I got my walk and everything but then she said it was kennel time cause she was gonna go do ‘her own thing.’ At least it is cool in the house and she put some of my favorite friends in with me so it’s cool~

And she’s outa here…

July 25, 2010

We’re not in any hurry to get up today! Mamaw went to The Jersey Boys matinee at 2:00 yesterday so we’re just crusin this morning. Poppy is going golfin with two of his nephews and we’re goin on our walk—Mamay says it’s good exercise. That IPod Shuffle is just goin all the time!


Now I’m gonna tell ya all something. When Mamaw gets all ‘duded up” she’s quite the old gal. And do I need to mention that she’s “a walking target”? Oh yeah…she was so excited about this matinee and decided to dress like the 60s for the occasion. She looked really cute too. Wish I could go…but

July 24, 2010

I heard Mamaw up in the night—with you know what! Now I’m thinking this is getting serious. What to do, what to do?

I do know one thing—I heard her on the phone yesterday to Luann—she’s takin me in today to get my ears trimmed. They are so long that when I walk—I step on em. And outside first thing in the mornin? They drag in the wet grass. And besides, Mamaw says my body is long and sleek so we need to trim the ears up to balance me out. When did she get to be an expert in grooming? Anyway, we ran down to PetSmart and Luann trimmed my ears--are ya happy now Mamaw? When we left she thought I might need to go potty so she took me where the dog area is--I sniffed three piles and said, "No way." I tugged Mamaw to the middle of the street and there I did my thing. She said she was so embarrassed! She stuck me in the car and went inside to get a clean-up bag and here she came to pick up after me. Yep, she really DOES pick up!

July 23, 2010

Come on Mamaw—let’s get with it! Well, that’s what Poppy and I are thinking anyway. He offers to take her out for breakfast—oh no. Would you want to ride along while I play 9 holes—Good God no! Sounds like this is just hangin on too long.

Mamaw took me for a little ‘around the circle walk’ this morning and I can tell ya—I wasn’t impressed. There’s just somethin about goin a few days without on that makes me forget all my “walkin manners.” She’s telling me she just hates to walk me when I’m like that…no enjoyment at all. Well, does she think it’s any better for me?

July 22, 2010

When does life become not worth living? Mamaw looks so pathetic and has no interest in anything at all. She roams from couch to bed to the living room floor and if she could; I think she’d try to get in my kennel. She’s just not comfortable anywhere!

This morning I tried playing with her and she DID try but I could tell she wasn’t “into it.” It’s gonna be another ‘nothing’ day. I’m beginning to really miss my walks and while I try to beg for them, she just doesn’t fall for it. I see her tryin to eat little bits of food cause I know she wants to feel better. At least she hasn’t been in and out of the bathroom every 10 minutes today! But when we sit on the couch and I lay beside her—I can hear her tummy grumbling. And she’s still takin the medicine so hopefully it’s getting better.

July 21, 2010

We’re still here—we’re still bored—some of us are still sick. I was addin up the time it was me sick and then the time Mamaw has been sick and It’s been two weeks! Now this just isn’t good at all. Sister Mary is not coming today cause Mamaw just can’t cut the mustard. Ya know, Doc was right when he said my Mamaw had picked up a really nasty BUG!

Okay Poppy—I’m still under the weather Mamaw tells him so why don’t you find a friend to play some golf with? Well; finally he did! He’s goin to Fonda to see his Mom and play golf with Mark. Then he’s gonna run to Fort Dodge to see the ‘gang.’ Mamaw and I are just sorry we can’t tag along but when Poppy invited her she just said NO WAY—not today.

It will be another low-key day. Mamaw will rest; I’ll try to get her to play but eventually I’ll just let her continue to rest.

I gotta be good just a little longer and then I know we’ll be back to walkin and talking with the neighbors and all that stuff. For now though—life sucks!

July 20, 2010

Mamaw woke up at 7:00 this morning cause she asked Poppy to wake her. At first she didn’t want to get up. Oh, oh—still shitty around here. She told Poppy she didn’t think she could make it to the doctor by herself without havin an accident. Oh no God—just tell her not to go.

But Poppy said, “Babe, I think that’s why you have to go. She laid there and thought about it a bit and climbed out of bed. Yep, I hear the groanin and prayin to die and knew she is just too tired to care. But she got into the shower right away and put on clean clothes so—ya think?

July 19, 2010

This is definitely NOT A GOOD DAY! Mamaw is still sick, sick, sick. Poppy and I have no idea how she managed to do the jewelry party! And she hasn’t looked at a thing from that! She has spent the day in bed OR on the toilet. We feel so sorry for her we are just leavin her alone.

Poppy goes to check on her every hour—I go every half hour and sometimes I even lay down with her she looks so sad. I’m also known for laying on the floor beside the bed so in case she has to move evermore fast I’m not in her way.

Any type of food or drink is just “the kiss of death” for her so we’re gonna just let her get by the best she can. She’s got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow—hope Doc gives her SOMETHING to help!

July 18, 2010

It is JEWELRY PARTY DAY and Mamaw still has the poops! Poppy asked her if she was goin to be able to do this and she said, “Hon, it’s too late to try to cancel now—I’ll just ‘wing it.’ And wing it she did! By noon she had me in the basement in my kennel—and hey; it’s really nice and cool down there too!

I begin to hear movement upstairs so I know the ladies are beginning to arrive. I stay real quiet so I can hear cause I’m really worried about Mamaw tryin to pull this off without my help. But she waited till almost everybody was there and then she made the announcement. “It’s been a SHITTY week around here and I mean that literally.” And so she just comes right out with it and explains it was too late to cancel so she would just come and go as “nature” dictates. Isn’t THAT cleaver? Well, it sound like they are havin the time of their lives—lots of talking and laughing; Sounds like a great crowd of people to have around you when you are feeling ‘shitty.’

July 17, 2010

Poppy off to work and Mamaw shoppin for stuff she’ll need tomorrow for her Jewelry Party 101. When she came back home she said it was really, really hot! THEN she tells me I’m having a haircut at 1:00. We both just hate to go out when it is so hot and humid but what can we do about it? Work hard Mamaw, get the work done and then rest.

Oh my God! Mamaw told Poppy she has diarrhea now that that her tummy cramped all night long. Did I give that to ya Mamaw? I didn’t mean to—but I sure know how it feels. I hope she can get me to Luann at PetSmart without pooping her pants! She took me, left me and said, “You be good for Luann Scarlett—I’m goin home cause you know why.” And would you believe it—it took four hours to get me all groomed.

July 16, 2010

Poppy got me up early today to make sure I got outside—all is well. He had to wake me up today—go figure. For three days I’ve been standin up in there tryin to stay out of the poop. As soon as he unhooked my leash I was on the waterbed with Mamaw. Oh God—I do love to wake her up. Poppy’s a go-getter today—he gave me my medicine and everything. And he’s watchin that British Open Golf Tournament again.

Mamaw got up and just got busy right off the bat. Time is running out on her getting the house all “duded up” for this party she couldn’t resist booking. Women—oh, I better shut up cause I’m one of them too. And Poppy is bidding his time cause he has to work too. Good thing it’s better today huh? Cause she put me in the kennel while she went to see Miss Betty and take her some clean clothes. And when she got home she said it was too hot to walk until later so she started pickin stuff up around here—I just lapped up the air conditioning while she worked.

July 15, 2010

Oh no, not again! This has got to stop—my poop is so loose Mamaw has to take me to the woods cause she can’t pick it up. She doesn’t like that either—says we need to do something about that. So back in the house, wiping my butt, she says to Poppy, “I think we should call Miss Jessica and see if we can get something to help our baby.” He agreed…she called and they said to come right away—they would have it ready for me. I am so thankful—how much can one canine handle anyway? We got the pills down me right away…I’m goin to try to lay down for a bit—I am so tired.

Before long, it’s out we go again. This time I heard this noise come from my rear end and jumped, “What in the world is that”? And it happened again—Mamaw let’s go back to the house. She told our Poppy that now it is all GAS! Can you believe it? I don’t have anything left to give but GAS!!! Come on medication!!!!!

July 14, 2010

Well folks—if today ain’t another shitty day! I tell ya, my butt is getting pretty darned sore from all of this stuff. And now Mamaw and Poppy don’t believe it was a few bites of pork chop that got to me. They are kinda thinking I might a got too worked up at the kennel—you know; missin em like crazy, worryin about if and when they would come back, bein stuck in there with ‘barkers’ and ‘gassy furry friends’—the whole works.

So today it’s been more carpet cleaning and washing stuff they’ve had to use to clean up my mess. Finally, we went outside and just stayed a long time. No walks—afraid I’d just cut loose (that a pun) and we wouldn’t be able to pick it up. Oh yeah—watery stuff. I am just so embarrassed I can’t go facing 50th Street; just too many cars. Mamaw and Poppy have to take me to Cully’s yard so I can kinda hide myself from the public. It is demoralizing I tell you—demoralizing! And the bad thing is I can’t stop myself—it comes WHEN it comes.

4-12-2010 Cutler Donahoe Bridge, Winterset, IA

Built 1871, it is 79 feet in length and has a pitched roof. The truss is town lattice and the bridge weighs 40 tons. This is one of the bridges in the book and movie "Bridges Of Madison County." The Cutler and Donahoe families each claimed "naming rights," so the bridge carries a hyphenated name.


The visit was worth it, the park has a lovely, large shelter house (with fireplace) and is large enough for a family reunion...
and a nice big yard to run around--bring your poop bag!

July 13, 2010

This morning sure started out with a BANG! Mamaw opened the door to my kennel and said, “Oh my God—Poppy I’m going to need your help!” I was standin up in there and there was poop EVERYWHERE—WHAT A DREADFUL MESS…

She moved so fast I almost couldn’t keep up with her. She took me outside where we spent lots and lots of time—I was just a mess. My whole backside was a total disaster. Poppy helped hold me outside while Mamaw got towels and stuff in the bathtub. Then I am ushered in (and was I ever embarrassed) to the bathroom where she proceeded with the shower. She pulled it down and sprayed and sprayed me—thought I was clean too. She wrapped me in a towel and Poppy helped get me downstairs and out the big doors to dry. Well, if that’s as bad as it gets I think we’ll be alright. Poppy took the kennel apart so they could use the hose on that. They put it on the big rock to dry and God forbid what the cars’ going by was thinking. It is just demoralizing I tell you—demoralizing. He gets that back together and Mamaw starts the washing machine to clean the pad. Then she had to clean the carpet where I just couldn’t hold it anymore. Awful, just awful…

July 12, 2010

Two days and three nights later, I smell Mamaw about 10:00 a.m. and I hear Poppy’s voice in the office of this LOCKUP place. Or…am I dreaming? I’m wet as he** cause I just had a bath! I’ll bet Poppy is worryin about the cost of this joint while Mamaw just wants to see me. Well, they called back to have them bring me to the front like I was a piece of meat or somethin just to find out I was all wet! Mamaw and Poppy, almost at the same time, said we’ll go ahead and take her that way. Oh my gosh, when I saw them I was happy, happy, happy. And Mamaw couldn’t get her hands on me fast enough. We all tried really, really hard not to get “mushy” but it was hard not to. Goodbye everybody—thanks for the memories—I’m goin home with my family!

July 10, 2010

Since I can't be with ya right now, thought you might enjoy some of my humor.


July 9, 2010

Up and at it this morning! A nice, long walk right off the bat. I think Mamaw wanted to make sure I got all “pooped” out (if ya know what I mean?) I’m seein things I don’t like very much. There is stuff goin on in this house that is worryin me.

And then all of a sudden, Poppy asked if I wanted a ride. I wasn’t goin to turn it down but in the end I shoulda just refused cause he drove me right to see Miss Jessica at the Ashworth Animal Hospital. He walked me right in and the cute little gal came out to get me AND THEN I KNEW…I was right all the time! Oh my God, it’s LOCKUP. Poppy turned around and walked out so I know I’m stuck here for however long THEY decide I need to be. Now ya gotta ask yourself, was I that Bad? Is Mamaw sick and tired of me getting into mischief? Did I push her over the top? She didn’t even say goodbye, kiss my a** or anything…I feel so alone. I’m gonna miss her smell and the special way she caresses my hair and itches me under the ears. Oh, I just don’t think I’m gonna be able to stand this. Can anybody help me out here?

I’m not goin to be seein or talking to any of ya for a while—I don’t know how long. I’m just gonna have to grit my teeth over this and hope for the best.

July 8, 2010

There is gonna be lots of computer work today—she’s warned me. Those pictures she wants on the blog are driving her crazy. I think she’s gonna spend mega time on the phone with her friend Lin to try to figure something out.

Poor Poppy—working again today! Don’t tell me he’s gonna go back to work full time? I miss him when he’s gone and when he walked out the door this morning I begged to go too. Mamaw said, “Come Scarlett, I’ll take you for a ride.” I didn’t hesitate—I was ready. She got all of her clippings from bushes and weeds she’s pulled and put in garbage bags and we drove to Polk City where you can dump that stuff. They grind it all up to make mulch Mamaw said. It was a lovely ride—she opened that top of the car up and we just took our time. While she drives, she pets me or runs her fingers through my hair and let me tell you; I love that!

July 7, 2010

Mamaw and Poppy are having a private conversation that I’m not allowed into. I think maybe they intend to send me to lock-up for a few days while they go off and play around this weekend. I’m gonna listen real hard tonight when they talk and see what I can hear. Hope my ears aren’t filled up with wax so I can’t hear them…

Pretty early she’s washin her hair and Poppy is getting around the cape and scissors and I believe he’s gonna give her a haircut—yep. That’s what it is. I want to be right there too but Poppy whisked me up and put me in my kennel and said, “Not for very long Scarlett.” Yeah—I hear ya! He knows I like to mess with her hair—it always smells so good. So—from the inside of the kennel I’m listenin trying to get the gist of their conversation. When Poppy is done, he takes the cape outside to shake it and Mamaw sweeps the hair up from the floor.

July 6, 2010

It’s a surprise, surprise alright! The only thing I knew I could count on would be laundry. Yep, it’s ALWAYS LAUNDRY. I like to play this game with her: we go into that tunnel together; she’s carryin a basket of dirty clothes. She starts sorting them out while the washer tub fills (which gives me time to ‘snatch’ panties, a hanky, a sock—something). I take it and start running for the stairs (looking back of course to see if she has taken the bait). She has to chase me all the way upstairs and sometimes I even make her chase me around the upstairs before I will relinquish it to her. She says I’m like that Rhett Butler—the scoundrel. Fun, fun, fun…

She got a phone call—no walk until later; if it happens at all. Cary, the painter from Petersen Painting is coming back to touch up our paint job and the area he had chalked earlier. So—the air conditioning is off (supposed to be hot as he** today too!) the blinds are open all the way and we WAIT. Now where have I heard that one before? The painters came and she wasn’t happy with what they had to say…considering the cost of two new windows and the fact that we have to leave the windows all the way open so the touch-up paint can dry …ON ONE OF THE HOTTEST DAYS OF THE YEAR!

July 5, 2010

I told Mamaw right away this morning that she has not given out the information I want my furry friends to have about my new collar. While Miss Cathy was here and she was shopping at Jordan Creek Town Center, she ran across this JUST DOGS Gourmet place and was visiting with the gal that runs it there. Well, in the process they were talking about my beautiful red hair and how I get so hot on our walks. The lady showed her a collar—filled with little beads. She said, “You soak it in cold water for about five minutes and then wring it out and put it on Miss Scarlett—she will enjoy her walk!” We’ve used it 2 times and Mamaw says its a KEEPER so if ya wanta look at them go to www.CoolBandanas.com. Mamaw paid $6.95 and they come in small, medium and large. Now—Poppy has to work today so Mamaw says we’re gonna get ready for our morning walk. Yes, she’s soakin the collar as I speak…

July 4, 2010 (Independence Day)

We are really havin a lazy, lazy day today. Mamaw’s cold is really draggin her down and Poppy has his head hid in his Tiger Woods book. Good Lord, here it is 1:00 p.m. and she doesn’t even have the bed made yet!!! Talk about relaxed…

But we did go on a wonderful walk this morning. Now in addition to grabbing a “poop sack” and my bottled water, she has to soak my new scarf in cold water to help keep my body temperature down. I love the little collar—it is yellow (very complimentary to my red hair—don’t you think?) It has red fire hydrants and white bones on it. I gotta tell ya when Ozzie see’s me he’s gonna go CRAZY OVER ME. We walked our mile and the breeze was just lovely blowing on us. Mamaw had her IPod Shuffle in her ears and I was watchin the kids play in the playground area of the trail.

July 3, 2010

I’m feelin sorry for Mamaw this morning—she has a terrible winter cold. She’s kind of grouchy but not—if you know what I mean? She is SLOW movin at any rate. Poppy is in the shower getting ready for work when she finally drags her butt out of bed. I think it’s gonna be a long day…

But wait a minute! Mamaw is grabbin up her IPod Shuffle and getting my poop bag and water bottle so I think we’re gonna walk. It is just such a lovely day so I’m glad she feels like goin. Hope it is a nice walk and not just a “let me pacify Miss Scarlett” walk. Well, it was a nice walk indeed. We went on the people trail and then when I headed for the house coming back, she corrected me and we walked around the circle too! Maybe that will make ya feel better now Mamaw. Well it got her motivated anyway…

July 2, 2010

Today is different too! Miss Cathy stayed in bed until 9:00 a.m. Mamaw had gotten her shower, dressed and done her hair and makeup and was just going downstairs to see what was up when up came Miss Cathy. She told Mamaw and Poppy she’d been downstairs reading her new book.

Alright, what is everybody doing today? Mamaw said, “I am meeting Dodi at noon for lunch and then I am going to Fountain West to visit Miss Betty.” She invited Cathy to go with her if she wanted to. Poppy had some ideas of his own and offered to take her to Valley Junction and then out to lunch. She decided to spend the time with Poppy.

July 1, 2010

Wow—time is going so fast! And Mamaw seems busier than EVER. It’s like a zoo around here—how does she do it?

I’m still paranoid but Mamaw is working with me so that takes extra time. I’m cooperating a little better. And Miss Cathy is here—they were gone all day yesterday! They dragged Poppy in the morning and got that stuff done but he has no interest in “girl shoppin” so they brought him home. I was glad—and could use the company.

June 30, 2010 (I'm 11 months old!)

Today I am 11 months old—and paranoid! I am so ashamed…

Poppy is on the road to Fonda, IA to see Mom. Then he’s gonna play golf with an old friend, Mark and then head to Fort Dodge, IA to get Miss Cathy. She’s comin to stay a few days with us.