May 18, 2010

Today is just an uncontrollable day! It all started with Mamaw checking my mouth every 5 seconds to see what I had. She wouldn’t let me in the bedroom cause I stole her socks—out I go!  EXILE-EXILE-EXILE. Oh my God, not more of THAT! And so the day begins…
She’s got to get handkerchiefs washed and dried so Poppy has one for work today. They are talking about their argument last night—the boo-boo is okay now. Yep, gotta talk to Emily about a “road trip” to check out her college of choice.

Most of the day has been a total loss for me—productive for her. She’s got lots of the receipts broken down and entered, has written the blog, looked into some stuff that really DID need to get done, ordered checks and FINALLY—did I say finally—she took me for a walk.

It was work—I just want to make you all aware that I am thinking of calling the Humane Society! She won’t let me put my nose to the ground cause of the “junk food” I find so I have to pay really close attention to her. If I try to stop, she pulls on my leash. It’s no fun really—no fun at all. She did take a squeeze bottle full of water for me and offered drinks. I don’t want her to know—but I love drinking out of that thing! I just open my mouth and tip my head sideways and she gives a squirt…

The workers are here working on our deck. That hasn’t been fun either. You know it’s my job to be watch dog but when I bark she is “shushing” me. She made me go into the office and work with her so I wouldn’t bark at them. They will finish up tonight though so maybe tomorrow will be a better day. And not to worry for tomorrow is another day!

Okay, the workers have left. He did some repair on the deck door frame and I’ll bet that’s gonna cost Mamaw and Poppy a load of money! Hang on to your hat folks…

She’s gently placed me in the kennel—well, at least she isn’t MAD AT ME! She said, “I’ll be back in a jiffy, honey, gotta go to the grocery store.” When she came back she didn’t have as many sacks as usual but my God—how can two people eat that much and have so many cleaning products? Go figure.

Poppy took us for a ride so we could see where Mamaw has to go tomorrow for her job interview. He’s gonna be long gone by then. He’s goin golfin and not inviting me again! So we took a wonderful ride in his car with that big thing on top open and she even rolled the window down part way so I could really get all of the smells. I loved it! And so back at home we are all so tired…we just veg out and eat leftovers out of the fridge. That’s okay with me—I don’t get to have any.

Yet I’ve not eaten all day. You know throwing up all of that “junk food” just doesn’t seem to make it worth it but Mamaw is worried. She’s keeping a close eye on me. And I’m just gonna put myself to bed tonight cause I can. I love it when I go into my kennel and they just leave the door open. Eventually it gets closed for the night. Suppose an angel comes along and does that? (wink)

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