April 27, 2010

Mamaw showered right out of bed today. I know what that means…I gonna take my time going potty today to keep her from leaving today—or maybe if she can’t make it on time, she won’t go. “Let’s go ahead and fix Poppy’s lunch, Scarlett,” she says. I wait and wait—nope she didn’t drop any scraps. Bummer. Okay, we’ll do the treats. I can always count on that. If she forgets all I have to do is stand there with my sad eyes and just stare at her and then she remembers no matter how busy she is! I’ve got that one down pat.

She says I can come into the bedroom with her while she gets her “goin away” clothes on. I gotta keep her from going so I latch onto her panties and run like crazy to the living room. Of course she comes after me and following a little tussle, she gets them. Back to the bedroom for her bra. Again she chases me to get it and when she heads back to the bedroom she tells me I can’t come in. I’ve been a bad dog. I wait outside the door and she comes out looking like the walking target. I’m not going to be able to stop her from going…I might as well let her get her hair washed and perfumed up and just hang out with my sad eyes. Lord, it’s the makeup, the jewelry, and cell phone, her purse—and keys. I know it’s going to happen today!
Poppy was getting ready for work and he left a hankie out so I nabbed onto it and ran. Mamaw is trying to get it but she needs Poppy’s help. She could be running late—let’s stall her a while longer. I zig this way and that way, just teasing them with the hankie but you know you can only get by with that for a while. Poppy retrieved it from me.

And so—he leaves. And she leaves. Bet you can guess where I am? I’ll just call it KENNEL DAY. Hey, I hear her coming back—she’s only been gone three hours! Alright!! Boy, am I excited. She gets me leashed up and takes me outside. Then she gets all kinds of stuff—gloves, a clipper thing, and a huge bucket and she comes outside too. She says we gotta weed this area cause we’re gonna get some new mulch. She works for three hours! Where does she get that energy—people, she’s OLD!

Poppy has a continuing ed class tonight. We’re gonna hang out and watch what Mamaw wants to watch on TV tonight. Poppy owns the remote control, you know? She says she’s gonna bury him with it! And so I’m done writin for tonight—it’s TV time…

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