May 24, 2010

Today is to be a travel day—yep, Mamaw and Poppy says I’ve been so good it time to “hit the road again. Wonder if we’ll be hearing Willie Nelson sing the song? So that means we’ve got to get around cause they say it’s gonna be a long day! They’ve got some business and pleasure to do so we’re tryin to coordinate our time. Poppy is in charge today! Mamaw and I are just goin to let him call the shots.

We’re off—to Jefferson, IA to see Mamaw’s favorite brother in law. He’s got equipment in his house that is HUGE! Some kind of a machine that when he pushes a button, the machine moves. He’s paralyzed on his left side don’t ya know. Mamaw sat in that and I quietly laid down beside her—hoping she wasn’t gonna run right over me. They had a nice little chat about Emily’s graduation. Darold didn’t feel like he could go cause he needs that funky machine so he can get around and he thought it would be too hard for him. We had a great time…but it’s time to move on…

To Fonda, IA to see Grandma Alma. This lady is very old—even older than Mamaw and Poppy! I think 88 or something like that; not sure though. We had fun too—Grandma Alma tells the same stories over and over again. We sit quietly and just let her go at it; pretending we’ve never heard the story before. Poppy ran over to the nursing home and visited a very nice lady cause he went to high school there and she’s one of his favorites. It has to do with pool and the bar—I think Poppy got into trouble with his Dad sometimes cause he wasn’t old enough to go into the bar. He’s sneak though—that’s how he learned to play such good pool! Grandma Alma was gettin tired and really wanted to sit on the hot porch—we didn’t want to so we moved on. Poppy took me over to the 9-hole golf course he’s played for many years now. And of course, Mamaw saw this as “a photo op” for my blog. We tried to go in the club house but Iowa has a stupid law that says no animals are allowed if food is served. Ridiculous huh? I’m nearly a human being. But, rules are rules so we move on…

To Fort Dodge where Mamaw and Poppy are meeting their very favorite couple for a drink. (I can’t go in there either.” So, we go to their house and they expect me to stay there alone while they go play! Now I thought that was just a little bit over the top but Mamaw says Mother Knows Best. I had to pee outside before I could go in. And I made darned sure Poppy took my kennel in before I would go. Well, alright, I’ll go…oops—not so fast. They have a floor that I can see myself in. Now I call that scary and I refused to obey. Mamaw simply picked me up and carried me down. And there was my kennel—the light was on—maybe I’ll just catch a little nappie while they’re gone. And they weren’t gone too long so it’s okay. Pack up the kennel and we are off to…

Reggie’s house. Now I love her!!! She is beautiful. We sit and talk and just enjoy being with Poppy’s family for a while and then Poppy says he wants to take them all out to dinner. I can’t go in there either—they serve food. So, once again I’m to stay alone in the kennel and wait for them. Well, I know when they all go out and eat, they eat and come right back so I’m not worried. Into the kennel I go…see ya in an hour or so. Yep, I was right—an hour or so and they’re back to get me. I guess they celebrated a couple of birthdays while they were out. It’s time to pack up the kennel and we’re off to…

West Des Moines! I can’t wait to get home. It has been a long day. Mamaw and Poppy visit along the way and I just try to rest. I’ll tell ya though, the smells along the way were so inviting, I’d pop right back up on Mamaw’s lap and my nose was on point. It took us about an hour and a half to get home but we were all very tired—great day though! I drank, and drank and drank but then I was ready for bed. “To the kennel Miss Scarlett—you were such a good girl today. We’ll see you in the morning.”

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