April 30, 2010

The house has really been a buzz today…Poppy got on the road to Iowa City by 5:30 a.m. and they didn’t even get me up to see him before he left! Damn, I hate that. My usual time to get up is 7:30ish but I coulda done it for one day for heavens sake.

So, I’m up—no Poppy. It’s always sad when he’s gone. He’s my buddy you know. The minute he gets home and tries to relax, I jump up in his face and shower kisses, kisses, kisses all over him. Now Mamaw—she’s the strict one so I’m lots more stingy with her. Sometimes I think it’s a love-hate relationship cause I’m mad at her one time and lovin her the next—go figure.

Out of the bedroom comes the “walking target” so I know she’s gonna be outta here too! RIGHT…she returned with groceries and office supplies and God only know what else. I watch from the kennel as she puts things in their proper place and wait for her to get me out. Mother Knows Best says not to rush right into the house and release your pet—but allow them to get used to the idea you are home so they won’t get so excited.

I’m out—I’m happy. Oh, oh, not so happy at the moment—she’s gonna run the vacuum and it’s the one I DON’T LIKE! It’s got a light on the front of it and it just feels like its comin at me. I stay out of the way—that’s for sure. I love it when she dusts furniture—it takes her FOREVER. She goes over it and over it and then over it again just to make sure she’s got all the dust. Doesn’t she have better things to do with her time?

She’s on the phone—calling Poppy. It is 5:50 and they’re joining family for dinner at 6:00. “I’m on Douglas Avenue—wait for me,” he says. And soon I hear the garage door and I just know it is him. Yep, love ya Poppy—good to have you home again. Well, that was short and sweet I tell ya—slam, bam, thank ya mammy I’m in the kennel. Off they go…when will they be back? They aren’t leaving forever are they? They’re leavin the TV on—they’ll be back! Okay—and now I wait.

I hear them back—oh my God here comes a little girl about 12 years old with long hair! She’s pretty and I think she’s nice too! I wonder if she will play with me? Mamaw says her name is Brianne—but then John Swanson walked in the door! From the first time I met him, I fell in love! He’s the cutest damned thing—and he likes me a lot too. He swoops me up and dear God, I am in HEAVEN! He leashed me up and took me outside to go potty. What a guy!

And then there is Lori, Judy and Victoria—all very lovely ladies. They had to take their turns at adoring me too. I love it when that happens! I’m trying soooo hard to be good. I wouldn’t want them to see the devil side of me. Oh, there’s Alan Dale…he’s gonna play pool with Poppy. John went downstairs to play pool too. I go to that big door and look down the stairs—“John, are you gonna stay down there”? He did…I’ll have to wait.

In the meantime, I’m upstairs and I managed to take a big hunk out of Judy’s Kleenex. She grabbed it before I got the whole thing though. And I play with Brianne for quite a while—she’s a good kid. She knows how to play with aristocratic dogs…Mamaw shows them how I drink out of a squeeze bottle—boy, were they impressed! When they all got to talking and wasn’t paying lots of attention to me, I snuck over and got into Brianne’s purse—I nabbed her little calculator. Well, I had a mathematic equation I needed help with and it came in handy.

And then all of a sudden—they were all gone! Well, not before John said he wanted to take me home with him and Mamaw nearly HAD A COW! You’all come back and see me? Okay—goodnight.

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