September 30, 2010

Poppy doesn’t have to work today—yeah! He’s MINE all day…well, not for a while I guess. He and Mamaw got around and took Miss Betty her clean clothes and visited her for a while. Guess that means Poppy’s cold is getting better. And then they stopped at HyVee to get some more medicine for the “snotty nose.” And then to Lowe’s for more sandpaper—she’s determined.

I think Mamaw is havin a bad day though. She tried to sand; both with the sander and by hand and she came in the house for a few minutes and told Poppy she just didn’t have it today. Hum…and before I knew what was goin on, she was reclined and takin a nap. Now that surprised me! She usually goes to her bed if she doesn’t feel well. Poppy told me he thinks she just wanted to physically be near us so we got real quiet so she could rest. And I decided I wouldn’t ask her over and over again to go outside to see every Tom, Dick and Hairy dog that was out. I’ll do my share and let her rest too. It’s way too quiet when Mamaw is that way. BORING really but a dogs got to do what a dogs got to do.

They decided not to fix any dinner tonight—what’s up with that? Won’t they starve if they don’t eat? Poppy is so thin now, he NEEDS TO EAT! Poppy tole me to stay out of it…

Mamaw says she’s got gotta get to bed. She puts that damned gate up so I have to stay out of there. I’ll miss her—but, oh well, there is somebody else to cuddle with and he’s usually gone so let her go do her own thing. Night Mamaw…Poppy, should we go for a drive or something? Guess not.

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