October 10, 2010

Sunday morning…Poppy goes to work…I don’t know what Mamaw has up her sleeve. We did a terrific walk and I’m so proud of myself cause I only “pulled” 3 times. I couldn’t go off leash though cause on the bike trail they had all kinds of people up there—big and little, young and old. That’s okay—Mamaw let me have some le-way on my leash so I was deprived of getting my “smells.” And I’m ever so grateful that she no longer expects me to walk as far as she does. I can do the mile thing but that’s all I wanta do.

After her shower today, Mamaw came out of the bedroom lookin pretty funky. And jewelry up the ying-yang. I think she’s goin someplace and I asked if I could go too—the answer, of course, was NO. I suppose you could say her outing was a success cause she came home smiling and everythin.

She didn’t bother to change out of those better clothes like she usually does when she comes home so I’m wonderin what’s up with that. But I saw the IPod plugged into her ears and knew it was kennel time while she does HER 4-mile walk. Home again—sweatin but still smiling—we got us cold drinks to cool down. Then Mamaw says, “Do you want to go for a car ride”? I couldn’t get the leash on fast enough! It was such a lovely day I simply enjoyed it all. She opened the front windows AND the bonnet so my smeller worked overtime. (smile)

She’s just full of energy when we get back. She grabbed the car vacuum and cleaned the inside of her car. She had asked Poppy to do it some time back but he forgot or got too busy. Sure looks good now. And the neighbors came out and they all had a great time…Cully is goin to his hometown cause his Mama has to have tests so we don’t know how long he’ll be gone. Yes, Mamaw says, she’ll be happy to walk Ozzie 2 times tomorrow while Becky is at work.

Oh God—and THEN SHE SWEEPS THE GARAGE. She’s just a nut about that—and then Poppy leaves the door open and she has to sweep again!

Then, FINALLY, she reads the paper. I like to see her relax just a little cause I know she works hard. Oh—spoke too soon. She’s gone outside to water flowers for God’s sake, and “hand arrange” the landscaping rock. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do with her, do you?

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