December 5, 2010

It's Sunday--we have a BIG NEWSPAPER today!  We couldn't get out the door first thing before Mamaw picked it up.  She says its all about Christmas and greed.  The stores need to make some money so they can stay in business.  And people want to buy these big gifts cause they think that's how they show their love.  Mamaw doesn't agree...nope; she says Christmas is all about JESUS! 

We have just a little Christmas tree sitting outside our front door, facing 50th St. cause the big apartment house next door has a bunch of kids in it and she wants those kids to be able to enjoy the lights.  She puts em on before dark and leaves em runnin until morning.  I asked her if she thought we could afford that? 

Then she put a hanging silver wreath that is really pretty out.  We have a bench on the deck so she put some Boyd's Bears on that too.  I'm afraid they'll get "spoiled" with the snow and all but she said, "Miss Scarlett, they are to ENJOY!  Let's all do that.  If the weather gets nasty, I can bring them in for a bit."
I had a big bath today--Mamaw is worried about my itching.  She has me on allergy pills and I STILL ITCH!  Poppy says, "Mamaw, that's what dogs do."  But she thinks I shouldn't...can't figure out who is right but she marked on the calendar when she started puttin Amega-3 in my food and will probably end up talking to Miss Jessica.

It takes half a day to bathe me.  Cause when we're done havin our "fun" she picks up all the towels we used and goes to wash them right away.  This time she didn't put any softener in the dryer and she's hopin that helps.  She also takes my bedding and my "sit pad" and washes them too so everything just smells wonderful.  I'll tell ya--I drive Ozzie crazy right after a bath. (smile)  And then she ran the vacuum--yeah it's a Big Deal when I get gussied up!

She drove around (by herself) and found the paint place.  I wanted a ride REAL BAD and begged but no way--no how.  Then My Poppy came home and I was happy, happy, happy.

That Tiger Woods guy had a chance to win the golf tournament but got himself into trouble and lost it.  Mamaw and Poppy are sad...they wanted him to end the year with a good "comeback"--didn't happen.

For Dinner Mamaw fixed Beef Strogenoff and cornbread.  Poppy always wants his cornbread on a separate plate so he can put warm Maple Syrup over the top.  He said it was would I know?  They're bein really tough with the "treats" too cause of this dumb allergy or whatever is buggin me.  So, guess it's goodnight for now folks!  I'd sure like to get a ride tomorrow.

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