December 23, 2010

Poppy is home today! I am SO HAPPY!!! He went out and started his car and I though there was goin to be a ride comin my way—I WAS WRONG…he left without me. Mamaw said, “Oh Miss Scarlett, you can’t go every time the car pulls out of the driveway ya know.”

He had so many errands to run and Mamaw was runnin around here cleanin the kitchen appliances and makin sure she’s got what she needs for THE BIG DAY. I’m still pretty pooped out from my haircut so I’m just goin to lie around and “veg out.” Well, that is till I see or “smell” Ozzie then I gotta get her attention and have her take me out to see him. That big fella—he loved my haircut too! He got just a little frisky out in public and I got a little worried there for a minute. Ozzie loves Mamaw too—he always puts his head up to her for attention—it is so sweet.

Poppy invited Mamaw out on the town tonight! He got a wonderful gift card to NICKS and he said they needed to go have a cocktail and dinner. That was the plan…

It’s getting time Poppy has to do all that work for the CPA so they worked together to “iron out” a couple of things he had questions on—it took all afternoon…they work so good together too. They almost got it all done but they took a break and got involved in a good movie so it is still unfinished. Mamaw says, “Oh well, if we don’t live till tomorrow, we don’t have to worry about it.” I guess she’s right!

Oh, Oh, plans have changed. The storm is movin in and Poppy thinks maybe it ISN’T A GOOD IDEA to go out. He says, “Havin a couple of cocktails along with the weather could be pretty risky.” You bet it could—the cops are all over people right now with the OWI business. We stayed home…Poppy is so smart.
So he cooked wonderful steaks and Mamaw put some white rice together with that, bread n butter, and a fruit cup—they were happy. Course it doesn’t matter that this is the “giving season”—I GOT NONE.

Didn’t get to go back to the waterbed at all tonight. They kinds snuggled and watched movies so by 9:30 p.m. I was in my kennel for the night. Night everyone…everywhere!

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