December 24, 2010 (Christmas Eve)

It is Christmas Eve Day and Mamaw has promised when she gets some of her work done we’d get Ozzie and Pepper and go out back in our hard and make SNOW ANGELS AND SNOW DOGS! I’m tryin to be patient Mamaw—but hurry!

The snow was comin down very softly and Mamaw was SO EXCITED—poor Poppy—he has to work again…to buy my food you know. Well, it was hard for me to figure out where to go potty with all the snow. The sidewalks were all covered over and I didn’t get a good feel for my own area so I just did my thing…now; trying to poop was another thing entirely. I held it just as long as I could and right in the middle of my dictatin my blog to her, I almost had a “hissy fit” getting out in time. Made it though…

Finally—we are finished with the blog for the day and the first load of laundry is done. She gets all duded up in her outside clothes and invites me to come along. NO WAY! By that time trucks and people were out scooping and it just made me really uncomfortable. I wouldn’t even go out from the big sliding doors downstairs. There just comes a time when ya have to put your foot down…I DID!

And for heaven’s sake, it was well, well into the middle of the afternoon when they FINALLY FINISHED MAKIN ALL OF THAT NOISE. And Poppy walked in the door and I was so happy to get to enjoy his company that when Mamaw decided we’d try again I SAID NO WAY! She was disappointed cause SHE wanted to do it—and SHE wanted to include my two furry friends. Well, it ain’t happenin today.

So she decided to put on her pj’s and get the last load of clothes in the washer. Isn’t it just something—the way she thinks? She wanted ALL THE DIRTY CLOTHES WASHED so she stripped out of her own. Poppy and I just shake our heads in amazement. But ya gotta love it—right?

They got themselves involved in another movie so no waterbed again. I’m gonna start complainin if this keeps up I can tell ya. She’s been working pretty diligently on her novel so I think she puts me in second place—or else she’s tryin to stay up a little later in the evening to spend time with Poppy. Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house…

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