November 8, 2010

Early to bed; early to rise! And that we did—Poppy wants to be “on the road again” by 8:00 a.m. They haven’t shared that with me yet but there’s a change in their behavior. That means I gotta get around and get “my business done” so we can go. He’s gonna run over to the gas station and get gas (and a newspaper for Mamaw.) So she’s FINALLY gonna pack my bag. And guess what? I get TWO this time!!!! I have a hunch our ride is gonna be longer than it’s ever been before!!!

I’m sittin on Mamaw’s lap and we’re pullin out of the driveway—the car is packed FULL; maybe we’re gonna stay there for a long time. I’ve got some doubts to contend with about this trip. Ya know I’m kinda “skiddish” and I depend on Mamaw or Poppy to let me know what’s happenin. I hope they don’t get so busy they forget about me and leave me hangin…

We drive a long way before we stop—that’s okay cause I’m “trained” to hold my business when necessary. The trees have lots of leaves on them but Mamaw tells Poppy they really aren’t pretty at all. And they talk about the traffic starting out and how it’s not heavy at all. They just visit back and forth—I think it’s gonna be a good day!

Poppy pulled into a very nice rest stop—NO DOGS ALLOWED the sign said on the door. Well, listen ya all—I don’t want in there anyway, I just need to pee. And then ya know what? I had to get in the back seat by myself! It was kinda better though, cause I could stretch out and keep an eye on both of em to make sure we’re still doin okay. I take little cat naps along the way but keep watch too. Mamaw said, “Miss Scarlett, you’re on vacation you don’t have to be a watchdog this week.” It’s just built right into me so I keep watch out.

Traffic got heavy so Mamaw let me back up front on her lap so she could “protect” me in case we had to stop in a hurry. Along the Interstate, I saw cows—two kinds of cows. Mamaw said, “See those black and white cows with the tits—those cows produce milk and they make lots of dairy products from those cows. And the big black ones in that field—they raise them so people have beef to eat.” I looked at her and said, “Oh my God, Mamaw—you’re not doin that with me are ya cause I like where I am”? “No Miss Scarlett, I promise Poppy and I aren’t taking you to any restaurants where they serve dog meat.” I gave a huge sigh of relief and lay down on her lap.

We got close to where Dan lives and GOT LOST! We found the town of SCOTTS and Kim said most people can’t find it! Ha, ha, my Poppy found it. Well, it was dark by now and Mamaw doesn’t see very well and couldn’t help him find the right roads so we just called Kim and we stayed on cell phones and then—Wah-lah…we were there.

Oh my goodness, the excitement of it all! Isaiah is a BIG 60-pound yellow lab (reminds me of my Ozzie) so we just had to get acquainted with each other. And everybody was talking at the same time, hugs around and it was great—did ya hear me? I said it was great!

We visited till I was so tired I begged Mamaw to take me to bed—she did—she was tired too. Everything is different here. My food isn’t in the same place and neither is anything else. I guess I just gotta make it work—for now…

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