November 7, 2010

What a lovely day it is outside—I don’t know how warm it is but I can tell ya, Mamaw said it was BEAUTIFUL! I took her word for it. I’ve been out a couple of times already, getting my plumbing cleaned out for my bath. Mamaw is busy putting the towels all over the living room rug and bathroom floor. Then she goes to the kitchen to get my “special” shampoo. I already KNEW it was bath day with all of that—even before she took my collar off.

She grabs me and away I go like a bunch of leaves blowin in the wind. I’m in the bathtub before you can say, Jack Frost, and the water is runnin. Mamaw puts her hand under the water and gets it just the right temperature and we proceed. She wets me all down and then puts that smellin stuff on me. Then she rubs back and forth till I am just in heaven—did ya hear me? I’m just in heaven! She says “sweet nothins” in my ear all of the time reassuring me we are havin a good time. And then it’s rinse time…that feels wonderful too after my body massage. I tell ya people, if ya want a good body massage—Mamaw is the one to do it!

She wraps this HUGE towel around me and lifts me from the tub. Rub-a-dub-dub she runs that towel back and forth and back and forth and grabs my feet one at a time and rubs them too. She takes the towel and squeezes my ears! Not hard though—just to get some of the drippy water off me.

Then to the living room where I just have a ball. I make My Mamaw laugh till her tummy hurts while she chases me with the blow dryer. We play and play and just have a wonderful time. I can’t imagine her sayin to Poppy, “Once I’m done with this, I need a nap.” Go figure…

Poppy went off to work—he told me he had to go take care of “eyes.” And Mamaw shoved me in the kennel, grabbed a watch, her IPod and hat and off she went for her walk! She walks for an hour! You can tell I wasn’t the least bit interested again…She just doesn’t know what she’s gonna do with me but love me she says.

She comes in exhausted—I don’t know why she insists on this either—she could just do as I do and not be in the least bit interested but I guess she doesn’t work that way.

After she drank a great big glass of lemon iced tea she went to the shower. She let me come in and watch and I knew what she was doing—I got the same thing done to be this morning! And then she opens this HUGE suitcase and starts packin. There isn’t enough room on the bed for me—well, I feel that way anyhow! Shovin stuff in there like she’s gonna be gone a year for God’s sake!

Poppy’s home—tired—and needs his nails trimmed. He asked my Mamaw to do that for him—never seen that before. But she got em done real pretty and filed em and everything—Poppy said, “No nail polish please.”  She just won’t stop—then she pulls the sweeper out cause she trimmed my tootsies too!  I tell ya, the woman told me her Superman cape has a tear in it but you couldn’t tell that tonight! Wowser bowser…

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