August 22, 2010

Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest? Well, Poppy is getting ready for work and Mamaw looked out the window and the neighbors, Steve and Jessie, are back at Becky and Cully’s house to pick up more apples. Mamaw says she’s gonna go help em. I got to go out and visit briefly and then she took me to the side deck and she started picking our our awful apples. It seems to just possess them all right now.

I’ll have to admit that it smells like a brewery over there. Those awful apples fall and split open and then the flies come, the smell comes, and it just makes a huge mess. Today is CLEAN-UP DAY! Wanta hear some good news? They’re gonna cut that tree down so some air can get in there. We’ll all have more light coming into the north side of our houses. Nice—very nice. Yeah, I’ll have to listen to the buzz saws but Mamaw says, “Scarlett, I don’t want to hear you complain—it will just be for a day.” Guess she told me.

Mamaw was on the speaker phone with Deb and Dodi for a long time today. They had “family matters” to discuss and I wasn’t goin to get involved in THAT! I’ll just hang out…

Em’s portfolio is startin to look good. Mamaw is takin her time with it makin it just perfect and she’s hopin Em is really goin to like it. It takes lots of time—just ask me; I know. Eventually she needs a break and want to walk—I don’t want to—in the kennel I go and off she goes. She’s always in a great mood when she gets back—she says she ‘loves’ the sun on her body.

Poppy came home from work (a busy day he said) and fixed Iowa pork chops. Mamaw got busy and fixed his ‘favorite’ potatoes. (sliced and fried) and then cut into a muskmelon (I got a couple bites but don’t tell Poppy) so dinner was wonderful. I sit between them while they eat (talk about HARD TO BEHAVE!) In fact, Poppy told Mamaw—“It’s gotta be really tough to sit here while we eat and be this good.” She agreed…

Tonight the new “Who’s the Boss” show premieres on channel 8. They’ve been waitin for that! I’m gonna be good again…so they can watch it. Cause I know when it is over I get to go to the waterbed with Mamaw—well for a while; then she gets me back to my kennel for the night. Good day.

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