August 21, 2010

Today Mamaw is goin to meet her sister, Mary at the White Picket Fence, Woodward, IA. When she told me the story I though it was worth telling ya all. Mary and her husband, Harold was always going to that place to get their ice cream and brown eggs. In fact, they insisted that they had the very best ice cream around. For a number of years this was the ‘legend.’ And then one day, Mary mentioned the name Jeff and Jill Burkhart. Mamaw said her ears perked up right away! She questioned her sister about these people when Mamaw recalled that Jill used to work at the Fareway, Inc. office a few days each month putting the newsletter together.

Now it wouldn’t be fair of me to object to getting together with an old friend would it? So I watched her get duded up once again with her dangly earrings and her white capris. Into the kennel I willingly went, informing Mamaw that I wanted all the details when she got home today.

It was a hot and humid day for visitin but vistin they did. Mamaw said Jill doesn’t look a day older than when she last saw her. And on top of that, she found out a little history about the family and the business. And you know Mamaw—she took pictures to share with me.
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Picket Fence sign on Hwy 141


She came home with a horrible migraine headache—she has no idea why. Well, I can tell ya why...she's envious of this lovely house, TARA.  The history behind this home is that Jill grew up there and after a tornado went through Woodward, they moved the house onto their property and intend to make it their family home.

It was just such a lovely day with Jill and Mary—with lunch at Panera Bread. She LOVES their strawberry poppy seed salad. She’s still stickin to her new lifestyle.

So we didn’t go on a walk today—okay by me. That hot sun just sticks to my red body and won’t let go. And when Poppy came home from work he thought it was pretty hot and sticky too. When he left the office, he drove to the east side to adjust his sisters’ glasses—you know, the one who had the stroke? Yeah, he says she’s doin really GREAT!

Aw—and dinner. That Poppy did his thing on the grill. He cooked 2 ½ filet mignons and all I heard was yum, aren’t these great, cooked just perfect—and nothing for me! Mawaw asked; Poppy said ‘no.’

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