February 5, 2011

The sun is out and I love it! I lie on the floor where the sun comes in the window and just let it roast my body! Mamaw says I need sunscreen. The sun warms my body and gives me feelings of security and warmth. She’s been tryin to get me to let her put a big purple and black kerchief around my middle but I can tell ya I’m objectin mightily to that!

Mr. Ozzie was outside and I could smell him. I gave Mamaw my very best “Ozzie” whines and she got on those funky snow/ice shoes and took me out. I was watchin him come from the end of the block and I just couldn’t stand it! I jumped the snow bank and got to him RIGHT NOW! We kissed and told each other we’d missed each other for TWO DAYS…it was a sweet reunion. Miss Becky says she’s feelin a little bit better—wonder if she’ll go to work on Monday so I can have Ozzie to myself for a while again?

It’s Saturday so you know where Poppy is headed. And Mamaw is gussied up so I guess that means she’s gonna be “outta here” too. I’m gonna enjoy the sun just as long as I can…

Oh yeah—I forgot! It is Miss Hayleigh’s birthday today and she doesn’t want to miss it cause it is here “SWEET 16” so she’s made arrangements to go after all—yesterday she thought she couldn’t. She told Poppy, “I can’t miss her Sweet 16—she will only have that once.” So she got around and started the car—put Hayleigh’s gift in the car (so she wouldn’t forget it)—and escorted me off to the kennel.

When Mamaw got home she was very tired. She doesn’t think she’s got her strength back from the flu/virus—whatever. But she told me about her day and it was really very nice. She got to spend a little “alone” time with each of the grand daughters and ate a Spinach Salad for lunch. (Guess she’s got the resolve to begin whittling off some of that weight she gained over Christmas.” I told her she needs to put a big sign up on the fridge saying, “Nothing feels better than thin feels.  When Poppy got home she asked him if she looked like Spinach and he played along and said yes. They are so funny…

She took that damned e-reader back to bed with her again—I camped out with Poppy cause I ran back and forth bringin my toys to her (even her favorite toys) and I got no attention. I’ll stay with Poppy—at least he’ll give me belly rubs.

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