February 4, 2011

Poppy wasn’t supposed to have to work today—but he said YES! That leaves me and Mamaw to do our own thing. Not goin to get much done though…Miss Becky called and said she’s sick so we won’t be seein My Ozzie today.

In that case she said she would go to the store and pick up some “necessities” and drop them at her door. She went to Target and got some Mucinex D (that’s high powered stuff cause Mamaw told Poppy she had to SIGN for the stuff and show her driver’s license too.) Then she got two cans of Chicken Noodle Soup, a loaf of wheat bread and some sugar free Strawberry jelly to help Miss Becky feel better.

I sure do miss the ole boy today. I’ve asked to go outside lots of time cause I’m hopin to run into him—hasn’t happened. So I’ve been kinda naughty just to get some attention around here. I got my mouth on a sock and wasn’t about to give it up. But Mamaw—she’s smart—she kept telling me BAD DOG and Leave It and stuff like that and I just couldn’t look her in the eye I felt so degraded! I finally gave it up without getting a treat—now that’s a first ever!!!!

She lathered up her legs and took that funny lookin handle thing and pulled it up, and up, and up. I said, “Mamaw—what you doin?” She told me she was shavin her legs. What next—wonder if she is bored too.

She fixed a really nice dinner for Poppy and he said he enjoyed the change. She took cube steak and put cut up potato in the dish and then covered it with Cream of Broccoli soup. I didn’t get any but after the being naughty business I thought it was best to just leave it alone. I’m getting smart too! I just sat beside her waiting for my four pieces of veggie and didn’t bug her after that. I always appreciate Scarlett O’Hara when she says, “Oh well, tomorrow is another day.” That’s how I feel.

Hung out with Poppy again—Mamaw took that damned e-reader back to bed so I figured I wouldn’t get any attention. And Poppy is right there with the belly rubs so I’ve made my choice for the evening. And he wanted to stay up longer than me so I just quietly put myself to bed when I WAS READY! Yes Scarlett, tomorrow is another day

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