September 3, 2010

We gotta wash the towels today. After a bath we got so many towels to wash it looks like a hotel around here! I’ve gotten pretty brave in my old age…the noises scared the heck out of me and I’m leery but I can go out on the deck now with Mamaw and Poppy. I’ve been getting my early morning brush out there—feels so good. Then she comes back in and runs the sweeper. She says I’m lots of work…well, what did she expect? That I’d do the work?

Poppy is off to the salt mines again today…Mamaw has those darned apples to pick up. Gets kinda boring around here sometimes. Wish I could play with Ozzie but he’s in southern Iowa with Becky and Cully. When he gets back at the first of the week, I’m gonna ask if he can come play.

Mamaw’s getting the stuff around to go see Miss Betty. In fact, she grabbed the new leash and off we went to PetSmart. She told em it didn’t help so she wanted to return it. In the meantime, when we get there I insist on going right back to see Leann. She’s a terrific girl (and always makes over me too). Then we do our regular up and down the aisles with my nose under the shelving looking for FREE FOOD. Love that place—can we go there more often? Mamaw says when it gets really cold and nasty we’ll be there more often to get our exercise and to socialize. I don’t know who does more socializing—me or Mamaw.

In the car, the windows are down (Brr – chilly day) and we’re on I-235 headin to Vicki’s house. The two little dogs met me at the door and would hardly let me in the door. Vicki is makin lunch so we move on into the dining room and try to get out of the way. Mamaw sits down on a dining room chair and I lay down by her feet. And then, Oh my Lord, Mamaw saw poop on the floor! Vicki was disgusted with Odie and said, “The last two times Miss Scarlett has been here you’ve pooped on the floor.” Mamaw and I stayed out of it.

We got Miss Betty all packed—there was lots of visitin going on too. And then Mamaw started curlin her hair. I can’t figure out how she can keep from burning Miss Betty. Well—I guess Mamaw can do anything! We didn’t stay long—Vicki was workin and workin and they’re all trying to get around to go places over this long Labor Day Weekend.

Off we go—windows down, the music blarrin and head for Merle Hay Road. We got to the car wash (Mamaw’s very favorite one) and we got a car wash. I sat in the car with Mamaw and I saw pink, yellow and blue somethins squirt all over the car. And then those big floppy things that make lots of noise. I tell ya—the car wash is something else! I was brave and endured the entire procedure—Mamaw said she was so proud—and we came home. Good to be home—it’s been a long day with lots of stimulation goin on.

Come to find out, I’m not the only one who is tired. Poppy wanted to fix chicken legs in the New Wave though so Mamaw got some hash browns around with some fruit and it ended up being a pretty quiet night for all of us. Eventually Mamaw went to the bedroom to watch TV so I tagged along and much later in the night she woke me up and said, “Come on Scarlett—let’s get you to your bed.” I went—climbed in—she said, “Night Scarlett.”

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