September 24,2010

John Swanson and his son, Derek came by the house this morning. I love that John Boy but fell really hard for Derek (he has wonderful blue eyes)—and besides, he got Mamaw’s new laptop so she could get on the Internet. Gotta love those guys…

And John helped Mamaw hang her butterfly outside the house from the walk out basement. She thinks she’s in heaven now.

Aw—Poppy and the guys are goin to play golf at the Legacy. That leaves Mamaw and me to do “our own thing.” As it turns out, “our own thing” was Mamaw goin to the garage and usin that darned SANDER again. Did I tell ya I HATE THAT SANDER! She leaves the door open to the garage and tries to talk me into coming out with her but I wasn’t born yesterday. She worked and worked; bless her.

When the guys got back we went outside to meet em and they said it was a “rough day on the course.” Carts on cart paths only (lots of walking) and the wind was furious (25-35 mph). We knew right off the bat that Poppy needed a nap. So we went on a walk; and the smells are just music to my ears. I tell ya, just music to my ears (not to mention the nose). It was a nice walk—we both enjoyed it.

Then Mamaw has her computer work to do. I asked her, “Mamaw, what the heck is this novel about that you’re writin”? She told me it was about Internet Dating and how she met Poppy. I didn’t ever know that…bet it’s gonna be a juicy book cause Mamaw and Poppy are always telling each other how much they are loved and kissy face and all of that. We’ll just have to wait and see. I asked if I could proofread the book and she said, “NO.” Guess that answers that one…

You’ve heard the old adage ‘early to bed, early to rise?’ That’s our MO for tonight. Mamaw says she’s gotta get up early in the morning so she can be in Altoona by 9:30—AND I GET TO GO TOO! No complainin out of me—night all. And hey—don’t let the bedbugs bite!!!

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