January 4, 2011

The weather seems not to be too bad right now. When we go outside to potty we are staying out a while longer. Mamaw told me she wouldn’t mind if the rest of the winter was this mild—me too. My nose JUST LOVES IT TOO! Ozzie and I have been able to see each other 3 times today—my life is just about perfect!

She tells me she has errands to run – wonder what she’s got up her sleeve today; so I simply asked her. She said, “I’ve got to go to the bank, go to Office Max and pick up a printer cartridge, and go to Michael’s to finish picking up a little something for Catherine’s Christmas. When she started the car, I decided I’d best not be a “pain in the drain” today cause she got really mad at me yesterday about that darned walkin business. I guess you could say I was a willing participant…

She wasn’t gone too awfully long and came back with bags of stuff. She showed me the rest of Catherine’s gift and finished wrapping that up. Then she went straight to the office and installed the new cartridge—and that’s about the last I saw of her ALL DAY! She’s workin really hard on another project so I just try to help by stayin out of the way…and that way, every now and then I get a good rub and an “I love you.”

Poppy and Mamaw are goin crazy over that darned mini-series so if I want any attention when they start to watch it, I gotta either lay on her lap or his lap—but sometimes in between them. They don’t say a word…through the whole show! I just stay still and they caress me and love me so it’s workin for us! Sometimes they watch the CD so late I’ve gotten tired and put myself to bed. I didn’t want to have to do that but I was in and out twice. The third time Mamaw said, “It’s okay Miss Scarlett—you can go to bed.” I did! Later she closed up my door. I watched em holdin hands and silently watching and thought, “This is good.”

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