January 27, 2011

Paradise has kinda turned into purgatory around here. The virus has “sucked the fun” out of Mamaw and Poppy. They keep sayin they are gonna do this or do that but it doesn’t end up happenin. She called the doctor and left a message for him to call back. Even SHE’s beginning to worry about things! Now, wouldn’t ya say IT’S ABOUT TIME????

Mamaw got all feisty this morning and said, “Scarlett, help me strip the bed—we’re washin EVERYTHING.” And that we did…took almost all day to wash all of the sheets, blankets, mattress liner and pillowcases but FINALLY…she shut me out of the bedroom at each phase of the project. She thinks “the bugs” (NO NOT BEDBUGS—THE FLU BUGS) will leave us alone.

They worked together to put a really nice breakfast (at lunch time) together and I think it was real good. In fact, they ate so good they didn’t drop a thing on the floor for me. They are both good about cleanin up too. Sometimes they do it together and sometimes the one who feels the best does it.

All I know is Mamaw takes awful good care of me and Mr. Oz. It was warmer today – 34 degrees so she really bundled up and with each of us on the leash we began to go for a walk. Down to the trail we went, first one has to poop—she picks up; then the other has to poop—she picks up and then we head into the wind. Now that’s when it gets bad for Mamaw—her nose runs and she gets pretty miserable. But today she let us stick our noses in and out of the snow and Ozzie and Me think we found something interesting cause we just kept workin at the same spot. We finally had to give it up and come back to the house.

Poppy’s home so ya know Ozzie goes right to him. Mamaw has to tell him to lay down about 4 times but he does. She even told him he could go to the bedroom to lay on the floor if he wanted to—but NO—he wanted MY POPPY! I shared…we both shared. And after a while it was time for our SNAPS—yes; 4 for Ozzie—2 for me. Out the door we go to take Mr. Ozzie back home for a while.

Later we let him out again—just long enough to do his thing though. He wasn’t interested in comin back to our house—Poppy or not. So we turned some lights on for him and Miss Becky.

Mamaw got the call back from Dr. Caughlin so she went to pick up this special cough medicine he called in for Mamaw and Poppy to use at night—hope they don’t take too much and get HIGH! Nothin else goin on around here—early to bed; late to rise. Hope this ends soon…

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