January 23, 2011

We can’t figure out if it’s a cold, flu or a virus BUT IT’S STILL HANGIN AROUND—WITH BOTH OF THEM. Some days aren’t fun and I fear this is one of them. Poppy got duded up for work and Mamaw said she had laundry to do so at least they won’t be “veggin” out all day!

I helped her get the white clothes to the washing machine—hankies and all. While the laundry went crazy, we read the paper. I tried to get a piece to read but she sternly said, “NO.” Suppose I gotta behave—she’s been complainin to Poppy bout me lately. She says I’m getting a little naughty…

We had a HUGE paper today and all of a sudden Mamaw is interested in cutting stuff out of the paper to keep. Go figure! I wanted to look at the paper too but she got kinda mad at me bout that so I left it alone.

She invited me back to the waterbed in the middle of the afternoon—I don’t think she was feelin so good. She took a nap while I tried to hold the fort down for us. I may have taken a “little” nap myself. And that’s where we were when Poppy got home from his short day at the office. Mamaw invited him to lie down with us—that’s always nice when we are all together.

It was what Mamaw would call an uneventful day—nothin goin on. We stick our noses out the door long enough to go potty and see Ozzie and that’s been it for today. And at bedtime she took her stupid e-reader back to bed with us. I made sure she didn’t forget to snuggle and rub and all that good stuff and she’s learnin how to do that without missin a word in her book. She’s a clever one; she is…

Later in the evening she wanted to get me to my kennel but I REBELLED AGAIN! AND REBELLED AGAIN! AND YET ONCE MORE—I REBELLED! I don’t want to go there—let me stay here. I was in serious trouble at that point I can tell ya. I made myself as flat on the bed so she couldn’t just grab me up and throw me in the kennel but she managed to outsmart me…hello kennel—goodnight family.

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