January 2, 2011

“But Mamaw—I don’t WANT POPPY TO GO TO WORK,” I shouted this morning. I like havin him home (the belly rubs are excellent and I get a little dancing in at the same time). And Mamaw is getting gussied up too! Okay—what’s the deal here?

Well, gussied up and all, she took me outside and I actually got to get my “Ozzie Fix” twice today. I think he’s feelin better—Miss Becky says he acts “like a teenager.” Love that guy…

When Mamaw wanted me to go to my kennel so she could leave me—I resisted. I got that old, loud BAAAAAAA noise from her and I stopped COLD IN MY TRACKS!!! She has a way of putting me in my place I can tell ya. I still made her “herd me in” like livestock cause I wanted her to know I didn’t appreciate it at all! Didn’t matter—she was out the door without a word to me. I think she’s a wee bit upset with me.

She went down to the Drake area to help a classmate of hers apply for a job. And then she said they went to The Brass Armadillo—that’s an antique place. She found a couple of Christmas items for the other half of the family that’s comin to spend their Christmas with us. She’s real good at snoopin in antique shops to find stuff and Poppy was impressed with what she found too.

I tell ya—get Mamaw and Poppy a mini-series and it’s all about watchin the darned thing. He was home a little while and wanted to watch some more—Mamaw thought that was a good idea too so she stuck a pizza in the oven and they startin in watchin AGAIN!

They got some veggies and dip out first and I did get a few veggies—Mamaw says that helps keep my bowels in shape (smile). I just like to eat with em so it doesn’t matter to me…bring it on. They ate and hardly said a word to each other—let alone to me. They just stare at the big box and ignore me. I tried to get them excited about playing with me—I brought Miss Froggy out of hiding—then I brought Bones—and then my baked potato. WITH THAT I GOT POPPY’S ATTENTION—he said, “Oh Mamaw, has Miss Scarlett managed to tear into that potato and get to the stuffing”? Well, she jumped up like she was shot out of a cannon and went to look—then she laughed and said, “Oh Poppy—that’s the stuffing ON TOP OF THE POTATO—it’s okay.” They laughed…

Finally, late night again, we went to bed. I didn’t see the inside of their bedroom tonight—but my kennel was comfy so night all…hope this mini-series doesn’t last forever—I may never get any attention…

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