November 23, 2009

I’m still HERE! They let me out to go potty and I’M STILL HERE! Oh gosh—I think I hear Mamaw’s voice out in the office area! And Poppy’s too! Oh, I think they are here to pick me up! I can’t wait! Will I remember who they are? Oh please God—let it be them!!!! Aw—it is. I am FINALLY GOING HOME! I’m gonna try to be really, really good so I won’t have to go there again! I’m going to tell that ole Devil to leave me alone!

I got to sit on Mamaw’s lap on the way home from the vet. It FELT SO GOOD! I am the happiest I have ever been in my life! I don’t really think that I had to stay there because I was naughty after all—they seemed to be very, very happy to see me too! We got home and I ate and loved them both! It was really a love fest this morning. I finally settled down knowing that I was deeply loved and cared for.

My toys gave me a lecture when I got home about where I heck I was for two days. Froggy, Rabbit, and Plaid tore into me and said not to leave them alone again! I got kisses and hugs from all my toys and it felt SO GOOD!

About an hour later, we climbed in Poppy’s car and away we went! I got to sit on Mamaw’s lap again so I could see out the window. We had music playing and really had a good time. From time to time, they would stop and let me go potty. Then we stopped in Fonda, IA to see Poppy’s Mom, Alma. She lives with Dennis and Feddie Blume. We had a really nice visit there and I was very good! Then we got in the car and drove quite a ways again to Fort Dodge, IA. We went to see daughter, Regina and her children, Cathy and Jon. We visited for quite a while there and Regina was so pretty and so kind, I just laid beside her and took a nap. Poppy and Mamaw were good to make sure I was offered food and water. In fact, in the car, Mamaw opened a bottle of water and helped me drink out of that. I thought I was pretty darned smart to get that accomplished! Finally, Poppy brought the kennel in and they put me in there so they could go out and get a bite to eat. Miss Cathy has a birthday so Poppy wanted to treat her. Kurt met them at the restaurant so they all had a nice chat. When they came back, they let me out to go potty before they brought the kennel out and put it in the car for the trip home. This time Mamaw knew I was so tired from being good, good, and good that she put me in the kennel for the ride home. I was really GOOD too—I refused to poop in anybody else’s yard. Yep, I held it! They had to love that!!

We got home, went potty and fell into bed. Mamaw’s feet are all swollen and she says she feels a knife prick in her feet and hands. I gotta be good so Mamaw can get some rest tonight.

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