July 23, 2010

Come on Mamaw—let’s get with it! Well, that’s what Poppy and I are thinking anyway. He offers to take her out for breakfast—oh no. Would you want to ride along while I play 9 holes—Good God no! Sounds like this is just hangin on too long.

Mamaw took me for a little ‘around the circle walk’ this morning and I can tell ya—I wasn’t impressed. There’s just somethin about goin a few days without on that makes me forget all my “walkin manners.” She’s telling me she just hates to walk me when I’m like that…no enjoyment at all. Well, does she think it’s any better for me?

Poppy must have done too much golfin or visitin last night cause he is sure tired today. He did go to the grocery store for Mamaw today and she was so thankful for that. She’s still not runnin any races around here. And there is a fly in here—now THE FLY is runnin a race and I’m tryin to catch it!

By noon time, Mamaw decided she should get out of the long sleeved shirt and capris and put on one of her “sun catchin” tops and shorts. She told me she was goin on a walk, did I want to go. Well, I thought I did—we got down to the corner where Ozzie usually does HIS THING and I did mine. Then I just wasn’t interested in walkin the trail so Mamaw turned me around and brought me home. Then she went out the door leavin me with Poppy…guess that settled that! She’s been needin exercise too and sometimes she likes to just put the IPod Shuffle in her ears and go by herself for a while. I think she’s thinking and missin her dead ones again. And she is worried about her sister, Mary who now has bursitis in her knee. Mary says it’s real painful. And she just had surgery a couple months ago on those awful veins of hers so Mamaw’s thinking she’s lost a lot of her family in very little time. She’s not ready to lose out again…

She’s balanced the checking account—that always makes her feel good! She wants things to be EXACT all of the time and the checking account is something she can have control over. Ya know, control is a funny thing—you either feel you have it; or you don’t. I think Mamaw thinks that I try to control her and then here comes Poppy and she tries to please so in a way she sees that as controlling her too.

Just get better—fast Mamaw. Then you won’t have time to think about all of these dreadful things…Don’t Worry—Be Happy!

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