November 7, 2012 -- I'M IN SERIOUS DO-DO HERE

Monday rolled around and not ONE NAME (i.e. Rene') was mentioned! It's gonna be a very long day...

The days are really screwed up now. I go out when it's light in the mornin and out when it's pitch black at night. Mamaw went over to Scheels and bought a hat LED light so she can find my poo. I don't really like the darned thing cause it is so bright!

Well, las night, just as soon as Mamaw opened the sliding glass doors downstairs, I could smell them! Three deer was in our lawn...I headed out for them cause I could smell em. Mamaw on the other hand, turned on her new LED light and still could not find me. Well a cause I was runnin and chasin em out of our yard! She said all she could see was three big white cotton balls jumpin up and down. I don't know how long I was gone, but by the time I worked my way back to where they had pooped all over the yard--I had rolled in it. Don't ever do about big, big trouble! I wasn't listenin to her and she got madder and madder and finally picked up a long, heavy stick and chased me. I gave her a damned good run for her money too!

But then--she caught me. She had gone back to the house to get my leash and grabbed me by the collar, set me down, and hooked me up. This wasn't lookin very good to me...In the house we go. She strips me of my collar and my red scarf and I thought I was gonna die! She tole Poppy there was shit all over em and she has to clean em. I was just dyin to get to Poppy to get some protection from her awful temper but she was havin none of that either!

She hauled my a** downstairs and shoved me in the kennel...BUSTED!

Today she's been on the computer lookin at shock collars for me. I heard her say she doesn't really like what the Internet was sayin about em. It hurts when it shocks the dog--cause what else would get their attention over their instinct? I'm worried--pray for me??????


  1. Hi Miss Scarlett! My name is Kirby & I have to tell you this blog entry made me laugh cuz guess what?! Yep, you guessed it I too like to roll around in do-do. I was at my Gramma Joyce's house & low & behold some other animal had the AUDACITY to try to lay claim to MY Gramma's yard! Well let me tell you I wasn't having that so roll around & smash it around to try to get rid of it I did! you, my mama was MAD at me & I had to take one of those darn things she calls a bath...I hate those things. Guess I learned my lesson...well...until next time hehe. Nice chatting with you Miss Scarlett...until next time.

  2. Well Kirby--don't be too anxious to do it again...I've had to beg all day for a little love. She was too mad at me to give me a bath so I got THAT smell on me. She's in a better mood tonight though--promised me a nice bath in the mornin...
