September 21, 2012 - CAN WE HAVE SOME QUIET HERE?

We haven't heard yet who won the CHALLENGE at Canine Craze. Mamaw sure hopes it's me cause I sure do love goin there and seein my friends.

The house has been so noisy the last few days...Miss Becky, next door, has had people in paintin for over a week. And then here came those men with the noisy saws and stuff. Mamaw says Becky is gettin a new hardwood floor now. I wish they'd hurry up and get out of here. Mamaw says I can't bark, or run to the garage door or anything to let her know they're drivin me crazy! My ears hurt and I hate it. I been campin out on her bed cause it just upsets me to no end. I member when we was gettin "a face lift" here and it took a long time too. Don't know why people can't be satisfied like we are about things anyway. I kinda think humans are a different breed of KAT.

Poor Dallas--Becky has him locked away someplace. I haven't seen him out and around for some time. Cause when he goes out--I want out too. I tole ya didn't I that Dallas comes to Canine Craze and plays too? But he likes to pounce and wrestle--not me, Mamaw taught me to be a lady and lady I am.

It's been so cold here at night that Mamaw goes through her routine each night before bed. She's bringin plants in the house for God's sake! I have ta wonder what Poppy's a thinkin...cause we think they belong outside. Then she grabs sheets and goes around and covers all of her stuff that's too big to haul in. Me and Poppy--well; we look at each other and wonder WHY?

Mamaw is havin a hell of a time with her IPod--she lost her music and now can't get it to work right. I hear her talkin to herself but I'll leave that alone....and stay out of her way too!

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