September 30, 2009

It has been a pretty quiet day around here today. Mamaw is trying to introduce me to the sweeper. The first couple times she used it she put me in my kennel and up on the couch cause she didn’t know how I would react and she doesn’t want me to be paranoid about it. So today Poppy stood across the room and she started pushing the thing into the room. I didn’t cry but I sure ran over by Poppy’s leg and stayed there. He’s bigger than I am and he will protect me if it gets out of hand. She pushed it pretty close before I became uncomfortable so she shut it off.

Outside has become a huge friend of mine. Well, not first thing in the morning—I do my duty and head right back to the house. I can manage both of the steps on the front deck now! I really like going out in the afternoon when the wind is blowing the leaves around. There are so many I don’t know which one to go to first so I keep Mamaw out with me so I can play.

My biting and chewing is becoming a bit of a concern to Mamaw. She’s not sure what to do with me. When I bite and hurt them, I have to go back in my kennel for 10 minutes—sometimes I come out ready to be nice and other times I just get ugly. It just seems like everything is no, no, no or Mothers knows best.

I’m taller than I was 2 weeks ago so when I go to get under the chair, sometimes I hit my head. I still like that den like feeling but it is getting harder to get in and out. We are working on SIT, STAND, SHAKE AND WATCH. Mamaw gives me treats for doing those so I try to oblige her.

September 29, 2009

I may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today. I just feel like biting and chewing on everything! I refused my walk today—Mamaw had to drag me out to the end of the driveway and drag me back. What a sight that must have been for all to see! Mamaw wonders if I wouldn’t walk because I didn’t feel well or because Poppy had to get ready to go to work. Well, guess what? I’m going to make her figure that out for herself. Every day it is rules, rules and rules and I get a little sick of that all of the time. If I want a treat, I nearly always have to work on learning a command from her. I’m just little—I don’t want to have to work so hard.
Whoever said “a dog’s life is a good life,” doesn’t know a thing about it, TRUST ME!

I have found a whole new world outside! I’ve learned to pounce on and at things. I love the sound of the leaves blowing across the pavement and I chase them. I can DIG NOW! I find all of these smells underground and really go to work on it. Mamaw says she doesn’t want me to be a digger and allows a little—but not enough to suit me.

Mamaw got an e-mail from Nydia—my brother, Sparky, has been adopted and will live in Marshalltown.

September 28, 2009

It is a little chillier today than usual. I don’t like to stay outside any longer than I absolutely have to! I just love Mamaw—she picks me up every morning and kisses and kisses me. She is so sweet. She’s a heavy task master too though. I don’t get by with a lot of stuff but in return she expresses her love to me.

I met “Ozzie,” the male dog next door on two separate occasions. He is very large—maybe 50-60 lbs. so he sort of scared me but I liked the way he smelled. I got to spend more time with him and I think we understand each other pretty well. It is an awkward relationship given our size but it’s good to have a buddy close by. I’ve met other dogs too—all larger than I am but Mamaw tells me I’ll grow. Sometimes they come into our yard and poop and the family doesn’t pick it up. Mamaw thinks that is just awful. She and Poppy are very careful to clean up after me every time.

The crab apples have been falling to the ground since I came home with my family. They leave a mess! I like to chew on them so Mamaw has to go out, sometimes three times a day, to pick them up. They are ripe now and so when they fall, they split open. Sort of smells like cheap wine too. It’s a chore Mamaw says but she refuses to complain. After all, Mother knows best. The hardest part is her getting them picked up before I need to go out.

Poppy and Mamaw loaded me up in the car and drove downtown so I could see the new Pappajohn Park between 13th & 15th at Locust and Grand. I cried a little in the car cause I didn’t know what was going on! Mamaw told me that I am not just a dog—I am an aristocrat and I had a name to live up to so she expects me to enjoy art. I got a little sick when we got home so I don’t know if the art made me sick or whether I got car sick. They said we have to go on some more trips before next week to see what happens.

I’m just not feeling so good since I threw up! I just want to go to bed for now.

September 27, 2009

Poppy and Mamaw talked this morning about maybe we are trying to train me too fast. The nipping, biting and growling isn’t getting any better in spite of the fact they offer me something to chew on. Of course, it is not what I WANT TO CHEW on so it becomes a problem. Mamaw has been known to call me “the Devil dog.”

Now when I sit she won’t give me a treat. I guess I just learned too fast. But when we went for a walk, if I laid down she would offer me a treat and pick me up under my middle and say WALK. Well, I’ll work that idea to death—I love those treats! Eventually, Mamaw caught on to what I was doing and then didn’t offer ANY treats—I can’t seem to win!

I like to go in the computer room with Mamaw while she click, click, clicks away at something or other. It seems to keep her attention and she stays there a long time. Every now and then she looks back at me and says, good girl…she likes me.

Dodi and Ashton are coming today. Ashton has to have her eyes checked and Poppy said he would do it! I am resting until they get here…

Company came in the back door and THEY IGNORED ME! Now, just what do you think about that? I found shoelaces on the little girl so I started in on them right away. The other lady just kept saying what a sweetie I was—I just kept chewing on the shoelaces. Finally, I got to be picked up and introduced to them. Dodi is Mamaw’s daughter, Ashton is a grand daughter and so now I know. I did a couple of tricks to show them how smart I am…I just couldn’t let Mamaw down. We played until I began to growl at being told NO so I had to go in my kennel. I kept my mouth shut and acted like a good girl cause I didn’t want Mamaw to be disappointed in my behavior. After she let me out, we went outside and ran around for a while. Dodi took pictures of me with Ashton. I hope we get to have one of the pictures!

Our front yard has a big hump and it is covered with landscape rock. I love to lay on that but my body won’t stay put. The hump is down hill and when I lay down gravity takes over! I keep trying but it hasn’t worked yet. It’s kind of neat though, it is a really slow process of coming down—it’s like slow motion. Mamaw just stands there and watches me go…..

September 26, 2009

I did a much better job of walking today. And, Mamaw has begun to give me treats when I SIT. They taste really good and I keep trying to get more and more from her but she is stingy. I sit until I get the treat and then I resist going outside. I KNOW what she wants—I also KNOW what I want.

The neighbors are bringing their dogs around to meet me. They are really large doggies and it’s a little scary but I am trying to hang in there. And I’m really doing good with potty training. I think Mamaw wants to begin additional training with me tomorrow.

September 25, 2009

We all had such a terrific walk this morning! The weather is sunny and brisk and Mamaw likes it! I still balk every now and then and lay down but Mamaw simply puts her hand under my tummy and lifts me back to my feet. The old laying down on the walk and crying isn’t going to work anymore. I heard Mamaw and Poppy talking about it and they seem to think I won’t bite so much if I have to go for these walks. I don’t know, maybe some day I will really like them.

We got a bunch of pictures today—Mamaw just can’t believe how fast I am growing. I started to get treats today for “performing upon request.” Mamaw says I am very smart and she praises me. But for now, I am in my kennel—she says I need some “quiet time”—I suppose that means no chewing or whatever…

I was tricked today! Those darned treats forced me to go out in the kitchen. I don’t like that one area by the sink. It gets noisy over there and I don’t understand it. Then there is a big brown rectangle in front of the sink—I think she calls it a rug—and it upsets me a little. But anyway, I WENT THERE and saw myself in the dishwasher door—I thought, “Wow! Very beautiful.”

September 24, 2009

Those darned tree people are back! I don’t like to go out to potty when they are here. There is so much noise it’s scary I tell you! Today I am 8 weeks old. Mamaw says my legs are getting longer. She and Poppy took me for quite a walk today and then Poppy started some of my training exercises. They bought “puppy treats”—wasn’t sure what to think about them at first but I guess they are okay. They are trying very hard to get me to behave before we go on our trip to Michigan.

I watched the neatest commercial on TV today—well, I just couldn’t get enough of it! Everything on the screen moves so fast you can hardly keep up with it. And Mamaw is still struggling, trying to feel better. She got all cleaned up today and I thought maybe she was going to leave for a while but she didn’t. Maybe she is trying to will herself to feel better—you think?

Poppy had hoped to go to the golf course today. Time is running out on this season but the weather just doesn’t hold any promise for that! Maybe we’ll all just rest or a while…

More walking…I think I could get used to that. This morning on our walk, my leg fell down a big grate so this time I was looking out for it. The walks are to wear me out so I’m a tired “puppy” but it doesn’t always work that way. The neighbors think I am just the “cat’s meow”—well something like that anyway. When they stop to see me, I try to look really innocent and they all say how cute or precious I am.

September 23, 2009

Thank God for Poppy! Mamaw IS STILL SICK! At this point, I am worried about her. This morning after Poppy took me outside to get the potty stuff taken care of, I ran back to the bedroom and tried to get up on the bed with Mamaw. I needed to see if she was okay or not. She wanted me to lay down and go to sleep with her but I was too worried and excited to do that so she asked Poppy to take me away. I thought maybe if I got really excited and acted cute she would snap out of it. Didn’t happen! She tries to smile and spend time playing with me but I can tell she is struggling. Poppy is home all day today so we’ve spent most of the day together. He’s a good ole guy but stern in his correction. He watches that “Dog Whisperer” character on TV and then tries it out on me. I turn my back on the TV when he comes on cause I don’t want to see it! The guy is an animal—the way he corrects dogs. But it is interesting at the end of the session when the animal is all better acting. I only like TV when a commercial comes on with the bright colors; then I sit glued to the screen until it is over.

There are tree trimmers across the street and they disturb me. The noise is so loud it is frightening to me. I’m still trying to cope with the noise of all the traffic and now this. I was outside with Mamaw and Poppy for a leash walk when they started trimming the trees and I just ran right up to the step—I sure wasn’t thinking of where a good place to poop would be! I hope when I have to go back out to poop they will be gone.

September 22, 2009

Mamaw is still sick today! I wonder if she has the H1N1 flu. She just sweats like crazy and runs back and forth to the toilet so many times reciting, “Oh my God”! I heard her call the doctor this morning and I hope he can help her feel better. She hates to feel bad and I need her to be healthy too—so we can play….

I’ve gotten a break today on all of those words she wants me to memorize and do at the same time. About every other word I hear is “no”—I wonder why they even bothered to adopt me if that was going to be the case. I should talk to her kids and see if that is how she raised them too!

September 21, 2009

I’ve been terrible today. Mamaw doesn’t feel well and I just love to pull her chain. There isn’t much to report today because she hasn’t put up with any of my drama so today has been a kennel day…

Poppy off to work—I hope he has some energy for me when he gets home. I want to nip and bite but they keep saying no! Mamaw went to bed early and Poppy and I played for a while.

September 20, 2009

Poppy and I started our new day. Everybody else stayed in bed for a while. When Mamaw got up Poppy and I could see she didn’t feel well. I should try to cut her some slack today but I know she is weak so I’m going to push my luck…see what I can get by with. I pulled all of the stops out and was bad to the bone…she would put me in my kennel and make me stay. I spent little time with her unless I was willing to follow HER RULES. We had to do a lot of compromising. I was a good girl though, and only made one mistake in the house. I took a nap with Mamaw too. She can be so sweet but so firm too. I’m still testing—1, 2, 3, testing.

September 19, 2009

Oh, the company stayed all night! They were gone when I got up with Mamaw though. They went to soccer but I know they will be coming back because she keeps putting me in the kennel. She is getting stuff done around the house and has started laundry for her daughter so she will be very busy. Debra and Hayleigh came back though, and had a bite of lunch. They rested and played with me a little but Mamaw set them straight on the pull toys—no way. They left for the next game and now I’m back in the kennel so Mamaw can do some more laundry. I can’t believe there is SO MUCH to do…I think it must be Deb and Hayleigh’s laundry because Mamaw worked Thursday and Friday on ours.

Mamaw is spending a lot of time in the bathroom this afternoon and I’m spending a lot of time in the kennel! Is she alright? Why do I have to stay in the kennel? I’ll be glad when Poppy gets home and the other company comes. Maybe someone will play with me.

There was total confusion when everybody got here. Bags and bags are being hauled to the basement. Big people are running around everywhere. I’m overly excited and want to nip…Mamaw says I’m better off in my kennel.

September 18, 2009

Poppy got me up this morning. Mamaw had a rough night and stayed in bed. I wonder if she did that on purpose because with Poppy working, I don’t see as much of him. Anyway, I am going to try to be a very good girl today. I really like it when she says good girl—I’m just filled with happiness.

That lavender rug really was so nice yesterday I am going to try it out again today. I’m around the corner from Mamaw—she’s on the computer. I’ll just rest quietly until she is finished.

I’ve been biting all morning—I think I’m only playing but 3 times Mamaw shoved me in the kennel and made me stay for 10 MINUTES – no matter how hard I cried she simply ignored me. I think she’s gonna be really tough on that today because she told me while she was still in bed she heard Poppy say, “No bite, Scarlett—no bite.” I’m either gonna learn soon or spend a lot of time in the kennel. I’m going to test her though, and see what I can get by with!

September 17, 2009

I am 7 weeks old today! I got to explore the computer room, the bedroom and Mamaw’s bathroom for the first time today. She has a wonderful, fluffy lavender rug in her bathroom. I’ve been outside, ate breakfast, played with Poppy before he left for work and then I went in the bathroom and laid down on that nice rug! It was so soft I fell asleep…

We went for a walk this afternoon. I love it when she holds me tight and we walk around our neighborhood. What I DIDN’T LIKE was when she put me down and MADE ME WALK THE REST OF THE WAY HOME. I cried, I whined, I laid down on the concrete—Mamaw would have none of that! She would just stand me back up and say, “come.” I was so glad to get home…

Biting and nipping is confusing to all of us. The BOOK says, nipping is like when I was with Mom and the boys and that’s how we communicated. But biting is a NO, NO! We are working on that aspect of the training but I’m not sure how well it is working. I’m just going to go to bed for the night and get up tomorrow and start all over again.

September 16, 2009

Mamaw was worried about me this morning – 7:30 and I wasn’t up yet. She carried my kennel, with me in it, to the living room so I would wake up. I slept all night again! They are very impressed with that, I can assure you. I feel pretty comfortable in the house but the OUTSIDE noises are bothering me. I don’t want to go outside even when I have to potty but Mamaw picks me up and makes me go out. Today for the first time, I barked at her and growled a little too—it didn’t get me my way though. I want to get back as soon as possible too.

Today she put me in my kennel and set it on the couch. She wanted to run the vacuum cleaner (I heard it the other day but Poppy was holding me and was offering his support). I cried a little while she got her rugs cleaned but she just ignored me. I’m afraid that means I’d better just get used to it!

And now every time I go outside to “pee”, Mamaw brings me in the house and cleans my crotch—I hate that! I guess it has to do with the little infection I have. She wants to get it cleared up so I don’t have to go back to the vet tomorrow.

I love to chew on things….Mamaw’s toe nails are so pretty, every chance I get I go after them. She hates to wear shoes in the house but if she doesn’t cover them up, I figure they are fair game. I like to nip and bite too but I catch the devil for that. I keep trying—they keep correcting so I’m not sure who is going to win the war. I do know that twice yesterday I had to spend 10 minutes in the kennel for correction. How do I know it was for correction? Because THEY ignored me for the whole time.

I’m so busy investigating my surroundings that I saw something new for the first time today. A big rectangle and pictures are constantly changing! It is on all day long (Mamaw says that is for noise) and sometimes she sits and looks at it for a long time.

September 15, 2009

There was all kinds of excitement at our house this morning at 6:30 a.m.! Poppy took me outside to go potty and when he brought me back in the house, he had some other dogs “poop” on his shoes and tracked in the house! Oh my God, will Mamaw be mad at him? Well, he couldn’t manage all of this mess on his own, so he woke her up!! Is she going to be mad at us? She jumped out of bed and away we all went to do the cleanup. I wanted to get a ring side view of THIS operation, but Mamaw made me go back in my kennel so I wouldn’t be under foot. They worked together and by golly, they did a good job! After all, Mother Knows Best!

Mamaw observed that I have to “piddle” 3 or 4 times each time I am outside. She called the veterinary clinic and made an appointment for me at 4:00 p.m. Jessica said I have a little infection and that is probably what is causing the itching and bottom scooting. Mamaw has another task each time she takes me out. She has to use 1 part peroxide/1 part water and clean my behind really good.

September 14, 2009

I woke up at 7:14 a.m.—I SLEPT ALL NIGHT! Boy, I guess I was more tired than I thought I was. I was so hungry I ran to my food and water and really chowed down. I started to have an “accident” on the floor, but Mamaw got me outside. I played a little with Poppy but I’m ready for a nap.

Today just isn’t one of my better days. Mamaw and Poppy insist on wanting to go for a walk but I am tired, tired, tired. Every time we go outside, I have to try to jump down from the 2 steps and when we come back to the house, I have to try to jump up the 2 steps. Mamaw is cutting me a break today though…she helps me a little. I think she knows that I am all worn out. I’m going to rest now and hope she has time to let me sit beside her on the couch for a while this afternoon.

September 13, 2009

Day 3 and I am really getting smart! I have a special “spot” Mamaw cut with hedge clippers low enough for me to squat. I sometimes pee 2 times before I’m finally done. They continue to tell me “good pee” or “good poop” so I guess that pleases them. They are funny people—so attentive and affectionate. I just love it here…but I know there is lots of training still to do cause SHE warned me right off the bat there would be no BAD DOG in their house.

After eating, drinking and walking 2 different times this morning, Poppy went to work. The sound of the garage door really startled me but Mamaw just kept hugging me and saying, “it’s alright Scarlett.” She wants to read the paper so I am in my kennel while she does some things she wants to get done. This afternoon I woke Mamaw and she wouldn’t let me out of the kennel so I began biting at my door and got my two lower teeth caught in the door! OUCH!! Mamaw came running cause she knew that wasn’t just a whine to get out…she worked very lovingly to get me loose and then grabbed me up and hugged and kissed me till I felt all better. She loves me, she really does.

September 12, 2009

Poppy got me up this morning and took me outside. It was cold, and I got wet from the grass. I wasn’t very impressed, but then they wrapped me up in a towel and held me close—I liked that! I know where my bowl of food and water are and realize the kennel is to be USED. I go out, get my potty done (they keep saying, “Good poop” and “good pee.” I’m trying to figure that out today. I am hearing all of the noises that scare me and I like to run between their feet and lay down. I feel comfortable here.

I only had 3 accidents in the house today—Mamaw said that was pretty darned good. I snuggled up on the couch with Mamaw and spent some time just being close to her. She smells good and I like to climb up on her and kiss her! She likes it too – she turns around and kisses me on the head.

And I am learning a lot! I don’t like the word “no”—if I persist I have to go to my kennel. But Mamaw spent lots of time with me helping me climb up the steps from outside and then to climb down. I get really excited at figuring things out for the first time.

September 11, 2009

They’re up bright and early this morning to get around. The TV is on and they are talking about 9/11—whatever that is. Sounds like it is an important anniversary of something but it all happened before I was born so I don’t know. They’ve got everything packed in the car and they’ve checked their list. They arrived at the Ford dealership in Union, IA right on time to pick me up. My breeder took me to work with her today so I could leave from there. It was goodbye to Mother and the boys…

Mamaw and Poppy got there on time and they exchanged information with my breeder. I began to cry because I wasn’t feeling very comfortable. My body was shaking and I am feeling sad. Nydia gave me a good loving and sent me on my way. They headed back home; Poppy was driving and I am on Mamaw’s lap with the bedding that has Mother and the boys scent on it. I can’t find relief from my fear and sadness with that. I just feel sick. I cry and cry and Mamaw tries to soothe me. I cry and try to get away long enough that I finally just become exhausted—I sleep. Well, I sleep until the car stops and then I remember things are different and I begin to cry again—it does no good. I begin to howl—it does no good. Poppy offers me water and it sure does taste good too. My throat is blanched from crying and howling. They walk me on the leash and I finally pee and Mamaw says, “Good pee Scarlett.” Guess the training begins right now!

We’re home and I again get a drink of water and outside we go. I hear all of the cars and noises and begin to cry weakly and howl a little. They stay right there with me for comfort. I finally pee. We go back in the house and they offer me food but I’m just too upset to eat right now. Poppy puts me on the couch with him and I gotta tell ya, I am exhausted by this time. I just let go and take a nap! Oops—we gotta get around and go to the new vet. They put me on the floor and try to show me down a long hallway that leads to their bedroom. I got scared and cry so Mamaw tries to lead me back to the living room—there I begin to have my first “mistake”—she grabs me up and says, “NO” and immediately puts me on the leash to go outside. Well, I can’t go then—it’s a done deal isn’t it?

September 10, 2009

More reading of Mother Knows Best – I don’t think much else got done today. She has laid out some of the stuff they have to take with them tomorrow…yep, tomorrow is the day! I hope they get a good nights’ rest cause first night out is going to be hell—for everyone!

I’ve been to the veterinary today and got wormed. The vet has put together some papers for my adoptive parents to take to my new vet. I don’t like going there but I didn’t have a choice. Mom just wants to be rid of us kids! She feels she’s done her job and she is ready for a little rest.

September 9, 2009

They are reading that new book like it is the Bible or something! Good grief—Mom has me completely weaned and now this! I’m getting nervous but you know, I kinda like the dog food the breeder has given me.

Since my adoptive parents are picking me up in 2 days, they are going out on the town tonight. They also decided they had better get to the golf course for some relaxation too. They seem like okay people—we’ll see…

September 8, 2009

She has housework to do today—and laundry. Gotta get caught up with all that stuff! And don’t forget running to the bank and getting some groceries. Oh, my God, she’s back at the bookstore buying ANOTHER DOG BOOK! Mother Knows Best – I can’t decide which method of training I am more opposed to…it is all just going to be torture.

Because the BOOK says I need a special area to go potty, She has been outside with hedge trimmers, trimming a spot of grass short enough for me to do my “thing.” Cars were going by honking and waving and saying, “way to go” and she just kept right on task. One of the busiest streets in West Des Moines but does she care? I don’t think so, she wants to do everything by the BOOK.

September 7, 2009

Aww—Labor Day. Maybe they will stop worrying about everything being perfect and have some fun today. I’m gonna hang with the gang—we’ll be parting soon enough! So I’m gonna do everything I really want to while I have some freedom, but Mom is getting kinda grouchy with us so I hope it’s outside today! It is such a gorgeous day…I need to get the stink blown off me.

Oh, my adoptive family has company. Daughter, Regina and her family are coming. They’ve got work to get done too. They are getting their pictures taken today! Hopefully they’ll have a great day too.

September 6, 2009

Internet shopping maybe isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! The gate is HEAVY—and it doesn’t fit the kitchen opening. I think this could become a matter of some serious frustration! Let it sit, think about it, and then see if you can make it work. I didn’t ask for a complete nursery—in fact I didn’t even ask to be adopted!!! In 5 days they are coming to get me, ready or not.

September 5, 2009

Another e-mail to Nydia with a health chart to fill out about me so when I go to the vet for my first visit, they will know I’ve had my shots. I’m thinking this is just the beginning of things I’m going to have to do… Nydia e-mailed and said the boys and I are being weaned. I am to begin eating IAMs puppy food. Mamaw put my kennel together today and unpacked the boxes, organizing them for my arrival. Trouble yet with stuff though—gotta do something about the collar and the leash before they come to get me. Six days and counting!